Katie - Morning

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The curtains opened with a flourish, and Miss Anderson's chirpy voice, "Good morning, sleepy head. Rise and shine! Time to get you ready for school." Miss Anderson had probably been up for a while, judging by the briskness of her manner, and the businesslike way she strode around the bedroom, opening drawers and cupboards and arranging items. Suddenly remembering her abysmal behaviour from the night before, Katie thought it would be better to be as helpful as possible in getting ready. She tried to grab the edge of the duvet over her and her fingers wouldn't move. Suddenly she remembered the mittens she had been forced to put her hands in before she was put over her guardian's lap. They were still locked over her hands and fingers, and both mittens were fastened together, rendering them nothing more than stumps on the ends of her arms. Miss Anderson was watching her, smiling at her discomfort. Eventually, Miss Anderson bent down and lifted the duvet away from Katie's body, beckoning her to sit up in bed. Katie had never before realized how much she relied on the use of her hands for most simple movements. Feeling most ungainly, Katie managed to lever herself up into a sitting position with her legs over the side of the bed. Miss Anderson extended her arms and helped Katie to stand beside her bed, feeling decidedly vulnerable and sorry for herself. She was looking down, afraid to look her guardian in the eye, especially after the way she had been left after her thorough spanking. It had been almost worse than the spanking itself, for her to be left without the customary "goodnight, poppet" or similar. The duvet had been brought up her body, and then Miss Anderson left, switching the light out and leaving the bedroom door open as she always did. She was still snivelling after the torrent of smacks on her bare bottom, but, without the use of her hands, she had no choice but to lie there and snivel.

"Lift your hands, please, Katie." Katie did as she was asked and Miss Anderson easily unfastened the clip holding the mittens together, then quickly unfastened each of the wrist straps holding each mitten in place. She took them off her ward and placed them on a nearby shelf. Turning her around, she unbuttoned the back of her nightie and lifted it over her shoulders, revealing the plastic pants with the slightly yellowing tinge of the nappy showing through from underneath.

"Up we get, Poppet" and the morning routine commenced.

Down the stairs came a perfect example of an English schoolgirl, shoes properly shined and white socks gleaming, perfectly aligned. The bare knees seemed slightly incongruous against the formality of the socks and the hem of the green pleated skirt which sandwiched them. Even more unusual to a casual observer (of which there seemed to be none in this town) was the way the skirt widened over the wearer's hips, only just covering the thick nappy she was forced to wear beneath it. This was made worse by the way the material between Katie's legs forced her to walk with an awkward gait, especially on stairs. If the sight didn't attract attention, then the sound of the plastic pants which covered the nappies certainly did. They crackled and squelched with each and every movement of Katie's legs, leaving anyone in the vicinity in no doubt of the wearer's status. The waistband of the skirt revealed that not a normal skirt, but a traditional gym tunic, with a front bib which ascended from the waistband up to a point just below the collar, where a crisp white blouse took centre stage, framing the green and gold tie of the local Catholic primary school which sat tight against the top button, between the twin points of her collar. Over the top she wore a matching green cardigan, which buttoned to a point just below the top of the tunic. Her two regulation handkerchiefs peeked cautiously, one from each cuff, ready to be plucked by whoever was put in charge of her that morning. Her face came into view, naturally smiling, the new braces glinting against the sunlight which was beginning to shine through the window. Either side of her head, a perky ribbon bow bounced jauntily with each step she took down the stairs, rounding off the image of a fresh-faced schoolgirl, eager for the classroom. The look, however, belied the anxiety boiling within her head as she thought about the actions of last night and whether it was all done and dusted with the spanking she had received before being put back to bed, or was there to be a daylight reckoning?

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