Abigail - Back with Miss Minsk

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Miss Minsk's voice shook Abigail out of her dream "You are to return to your work, starting by doing a thorough job in this room. I am expecting guests for coffee at eleven o'clock. Abigail, you will answer the door, take their coats, and show them through. Then you will both serve us in the drawing room. I needn't say anything more about manners and behaviour while we have company. Now, off you go." Both girls curtsied together, turned and scurried back upstairs to collect their cleaning materials, and Miss Minsk retired to the drawing room to read a magazine, leaving the door open so she could hear the girls at work, and check on their progress.

Both girls came down the stairs sheepishly, their bottoms still on display as neither dared to adjust so much as a stitch of her clothing in case it might be noticed. They took extra care in the study, and indeed throughout the rest of the house, as the clock marched on through the morning. Both girls kept glancing at the various clocks which were positioned in most rooms, watching as eleven o'clock approached, wondering when their mistress would call them in to adjust their clothing for the arrival of her guests. Neither girl said anything but they were of one mind: surely they would not be subjected to the humiliation of being exposed as they were to Miss Minsk's guests, surely!

Abigail was becoming increasingly anxious as the minutes ticked by, wondering how she might be able to politely request that she be allowed to lower her skirt. But that was the point wasn't it? The punishment had not yet finished. She tried to attract Mary's attention across the room, and even moved to a position away from the open door so she could at least share her exasperation, but Mary studiously ignored her. With three minutes still to go, the doorbell rang and both girls froze. The only sound was the sonorous echo of the bell in the hall, not even muffled sounds of voices on the other side of the front door. Abigail gulped noisily and laid down her duster, before brushing down her skirt as if that would make any difference, and scurried to the hall, not wanting to keep the guests waiting. The front door was a large solid wooden door with a diamond of leaded lights at eye level, through which the bright light of the sun shone into the hall. Abigail took a deep breath before unlocking the door and opening it. Silhouetted against the morning glare, were the outlines of two ladies, both wearing hats. One was of greater stature than the other who had a more petite build. Abigail squinted a little into the glare, opened the door further and stood back, her back straight but eyes down. She had just opened her mouth to say "Good Morning!" politely but the taller lady was already marching in imperiously, straight past her into the hallway, obviously having previously visited, already removing her hat and gloves. She was followed, more cautiously, by her companion, who appeared to be younger and the junior of the pair, taking in Abigail's appearance with a mixture of kindness and resigned pity. The younger lady walked with an unnaturally elegant and upright poise, her neck straight and shoulders back, not in a regal or imperious manner, rather that she was trying extra hard, her coat more flared and full. Her face showed none of her companion's confidence, instead her eyes darted this way and that, taking in everything around her suspiciously. Abigail turned to close the door behind them and she heard a definite intake of breath. As she turned back towards the waiting ladies, she saw the younger lady with her hand to her mouth and eyes wide which was met with a stern look from the older lady. Abigail blushed crimson knowing that the young visitor had just noticed her bare bottom. She stood like a doe in headlights, not knowing where to look, when the older lady gave an exaggerated cough and held out her hat and gloves. Abigail stumbled forward awkwardly, took them and placed them on the hall table. The older lady began to unbutton her coat to reveal a smart skirt suit in dark blue, tailored to her graceful figure, but with a sharpness to the cut which spoke volumes about how she wished to appear. She wore a white blouse with an ornate brooch at the throat fastening her high collar, dark stockings and brown court shoes. The younger lady looked down with a chastened expression and, for want of something to divert attention, began to take off her own hat and gloves. Out of the sunlight, Abigail was able to take in both ladies' appearance. The older lady she guessed to be in her late 30s or early 40s, while the other seemed considerably younger, perhaps early 20s. When her companion also began to unbutton her own coat, Abigail was transfixed by the figure which emerged. The flaring she had noticed in the coat had been caused by the very full and petticoated dress which the young lady wore. In contrast, her waist had been nipped in, and was topped by a short bolero style cardigan which had clearly been chosen to emphasise her tiny waistline. Under the prim hat which Abigail had just taken, her straight black hair shone in the light, pulled back into a tight ponytail, fastened with a small perky bow high up her hair. This young lady had been styled like a 50s teenager. Could this be one of the "chosen girls" Abigail had heard rumours of? During stolen moments of unsupervised time with other girls at school, Abigail had picked up tidbits of rumours of the various goings on in Iuvenham. Most of it she put down to exaggerated speculation, perhaps put about by the powers that be to keep the girls on their toes, but one story she had heard more than once was of certain girls who were chosen to be taken off for a special form of training within the town. Abigail was staring at her, wondering where she had seen her before..... "Abigail! Take the ladies' coats." and then in a softer voice, "Natasha! How lovely to see you, and Veronica! You are settling in well." Veronica curtsied demurely and smiled back at her host, clearly flattered by the compliment. Abigail did as she was told and hung the coats on separate hangers near her Mistress's. Meanwhile the three ladies were being shown into the drawing room "Abigail, come through, please."

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