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Minho woke up the next day looking over to the younger that's sleeping peacefully beside him.

(hey its not what you think it is. They fell asleep together watching a movie)

Jisung woke up shortly after and immediately jumped up from the bed eyes wide as he stared at Minho.

"Why are you in my room?"

Almost immediately Minho bursted out into laughter. "We fell asleep watching a movie last night don't you remember Sungie?"

"Sungie? That's new" Jisung said as he was so desperately trying to hide his smile from the new nickname

Minho nodded as he ruffled Jisungs hair the leaving the room to see a chocolate cake on the table.

Hyunjin grabbed his jacket and asked Minho. "Hey is Jisung awake yet? I gotta send him to the airport"

Minho looked at Hyunjin in confusion. "Airport? What do you mean airport."

"He's going to Japan today to visit his brother"

"but it's my birthday..."

"That's why he was celebrating it early yesterday. Sorry Min"

Minho walked upstairs walking into Jisung's room ready to confront Jisung why he didn't tell him he was going to Japan but saw the younger laying on the floor studying maths.

"Sung? Stop studying. Go get ready to go to Japan. Hyunjin is waiting for you" Minho said crossing his hands against his chest looking at the younger that's laying on he floor

"OH.. Hyunjin told you? Sorry for going on your birthday it was the cheapest plane ticket to Japan and i don't have much money.." Jisung said as he got up from the ground.

Minho sighed as he walked up to Jisung pecking his cheek smiling softly at the younger as he said "I can't stay mad at you and I don't blame you for wanting to save money and wanting to see your brother"

Jisung felt his cheeks burning up as he turned red looking down onto the floor embarrassed that he is blushing. Jisung chuckled a bit hiding his face from the older trying his best not to look up.

Minho giggled as he saw the younger looking down so desperately to hide his red face lifting his chin up asking him. "What's wrong Sungie? Shy?"

Jisung turned a darker red as he turned around running to his bathroom to go shower covering his face.

Minho covered his face as he crouched down laughing none stop as he watched the younger walk to the bathroom but soon left the room to eat his cake whispering out.

"god I think I'm falling in love with that asshole"

A Piece of Cake <<Minsung>>Where stories live. Discover now