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"Jisung.. Your grade is something I would never expect come from you..You got an F. You only got two right. I'm very disappointed in you Jisung" The teacher said looking at Jisung in Dissapointment.

"I'm sure your parents will be very dissapointed to" The teacher said as he picked up his phone ready to call Jisungs parents.

Jisung quickly slapped the teachers phone out of his hands making it fall onto the ground cracking a bit.

"Mr Jay I'm so sorry..." Jisung said as stared at the cracked phone laying on the ground in shock of what he just did.

"JISUNG. DETENTION. NOW" The teacher shouted out as he pushed Jisung out of the class with everyone staring at him.

He walked down the hallway to the detention room carefully listening to all the whispers he heard while his best friends including Minho was staring at him feeling bad knowing they couldn't do anything.

"Jisung got yelled at?" "He's so fucking weak. Can't even stand up against a teacher" "He's such a know it all I hate him" "that fake popular ass finally getting what he deserves"

He held back tears as he heard all these comments about him while walking to the detention.

He walked into the detention room seeing 2 boys sitting next to each other looking at Jisung surprised.

"Hey Jeongin isn't that the goody two shoes?" Seungmin whispered over to Jeongin.

"I guess" Jeongin whispered back.

"Yo smart-ass. Wanna be friends? You seem cool" Seungmin said as he looked over at Jisung with puppy eyes

Seungmin didn't have any bad intentions. He actually wanted to befriend this squirrel looking dude.

"Uhhh sure?" Jisung said in confusion as he sat next to Jeongin.

"Hi hyung! I'm Jeongin!! Im in your gym class I hope we become the bestest of friends!" Jeongin said smiling as he showed his dimples holding out a hand for Jisung to shake.

Jisung happily shook Jeongins hand immediately thinking "God he's so cute! He looks just like a fennec fox!".


Jisung Jeongin and Seungmin got out of detention after an hour. They got to know eachother during detention.

"Hey Jisung! Do you know J.One from 3 racha?" Jeongin said as his eyes sparkled

"uh duh" Jisung said as he smiled and rolled his eyes seeing how cute Jeongin is.

"You look just like him and sound just like him!? God wait.  you are J. One Jisung!!" Seungmin said squeezing and jumping around.

"OMG J. ONE IS MY FRIE-" Before Jeongin could continue Jisung had pounced on him holding his hand against his mouth.

"Shhhhhh. Not a lot of people here know 3 racha and they don't really pay that much attention to my face since I cover it up most of the time. I took my mask of because I thought I could trust you guys" Jisung said looking at the both of them.

The other two just nodded.

Jeongin ran over to Jisung sliding his head under Jisungs legs picking him up as he sat on Jeongins shoulders.

"YAH! JEONGIN WHAT THE FUCK" Jisung screamed out as he got picked up by Joengin.

"Damn hyung! Your as light as a feather!" Jeongin said while carrying Jisung downstairs as Seungmin followed them down.

Jisung hid his face in his beanie feeling embarrassed getting carried on the shoulder by a younger.

Minho Hyunjin and Felix spotted them.

Minho clenched his fists angry hating the fact that other people than him is making Jisung smile.

Minho shook his head surprised what he just did just now.

"God am I jelaous!? fucking hell Minho. You fucking hate him okay? You don't give a shit about him. You don't care if.. You break his heart in the end" Minho thought while starting to feel guilty on what he's doing to poor Jisung as he thought of the last thing he said.

"I really don't give a shit about you Jisung.." Minho whispered making sure no one heard him.


Wow!! 4 chapters in one day!! Be proud of me guys🙄🙄

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