Ch 2 Betrayed and New beginnings

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*random eagle union naval Base*
We can see a certain white haired carrier laying in bed and not able to walk because she lost her legs from the knees down in battle. Well that's about to change but is it worth it in the end we shall see.*wrpack**wrpck**wrpck* can be heard as a doctor and scientist comes into the room of the unknown carrier. Mrs yorktown we have a way for you to walk again were going to give you a retrofit/rebuild which in theory should allow for you to be able to walk again hornets also about to go under the same retrofit since she got severely damaged by sirens well is there any questions before we begin. Yorktown begins to speak in a soft tone and says how is hanman doing I heard a rumor that the kansen with animals features were being discriminated against for no reason because of the sakura empires attack against us, and any one that is friends with one of our kansen with those features, or had a lover in the empire was treated the same as them. Well sorry to inform you mrs. yorktown but it's true now let's go get you that retrofit/rebuild.
*1 week later*
Ready Ms yorktown and Ms hornet the last stages will now begin the testing of the wolf pack radar, fire control, and battle info net system. Then a sudden flash of sapphire blue and yellow as we can see 2 figures standing in the flash with carrier rigging as the light dies down. Yorktown is standing and hornets beside her but something has changed.
Why does my head and lower back feel heavy when I look over at the mirror to the side of the room and scream AAAHHHHHI WTF why do i have wolf ears and a tail Yells hornet. As Yorktown stares in shock knowing what will happen to them and how they're going to be treated even by their own sister from now on. Or will a certain kitsune and crane kidnap the 2 who knows what the future holds now.
*The light fades as it changes out to the ocean where a certain 2 modern ships arecurrently at*
Why the F*4* Does Alice have kitsune features and wait? The other person looks Familiar, Wait a minute is that amagi but her riggings are not right they look somewhat similar to Alice's rigging at least with the flight decks added on. Wait isn't amagi dead then how is she here alive and well even without her coughing.
"Alice's pov*
I Just finished finished revving amagi with the weird sakura pink wisdom cube I accidentally fired off a super heavy HE round from my main guns and hit the water as A voice says you're quite new to this aren't you well i guess that damn octo loli wasn't lying I was brought back to the world of the living when i'm gonna be need and looks like i'm gonna have to teach you how to use your weapons aren't I ms?
Alice mamn', Alice Yammato, that octo loli bitch also kidnapped me and my best friend and transported us to this world. As amagi was about to say something I heard Jackson yelling and screaming and yelling at me to explain what's going on.
*after alice explained everything*
So that confirms the info in this letter that I got as well. IBEEEEEP! Then suddenly my radar and sonar picks up over a hundred contacts as the screaming or jets and missiles overhead can be heard its the sirens as i look and see there slow f117 nighthawk ripoffs When Suddenly mine alice's and surprisingly amagi aswell's Ciwis and sparrow missile launchers started firing and blasting them out of the skie Jolley rogers launch my riggins come to life as my jolly rogers squadron loaded down with air to air and air to sea weapons launch and start getting air superiority.
As several black ships appeared out of purple realitial rifts and started shooting towards us we began firing back as I launched my F-22N sea raptors Author why did make me and the others op!
*oi dont go breaking the Fourth wall you little shit not again the wall looks like splintered swiss cheese what did he do to it nvm alice had her guns pointed towards it that explains it ugh now I Have to fix It*
As he launches his flights of sea raptors to keep the queen class carriers air wings away from the fleet we can see another small fleet of kansas consisting of arizona,hornet, yorktown, and helena as they begin to fire their guns and launch there aircraft and start fighting there guns,a very well know sound is heard that is both terrifying to thoses on the receiving end but having to thoses its supporting its the sou *BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRTTITTTTTTT* as the warthog finishes firing its gun on the siren pawn classes and tracker class sirens that snuck up behind the eagle union fleet. Then all of a sudden yorktown and hornets as well with the rest of the fleet which has the info receivers for the battle link see its off update and suddenly a kinda hud appears over there vision with a mini map in the top left and radar screen in the top right. They suddenly see multiple friendly US
Air contacts launched from the saukran looking battleship as the objects which are revealed as waverider hypersonic laser guided missiles are seen coming from her vIs cells completely devastating the siren armada.
*yorktown pov 3 days ago*
After what happened the scientist started suddenly freaking out and screaming and trying to figure out how this happened they then come to a conclusion that it happened because of one of our titles unique to me and hornet that we shared
*this is not canon or from our world so don't hate me for this*
The title the wolves of the pacific because our crews and airmen always acted as a unit and one being during battles they used pack tactics alot with their fAf wildcats against the superior zeros to take them down back in ww?.
Well since of what happened the commander luckily wasn't one of the people who discriminated against us and made us a fleet with me hornet arizone, helena,and hamman so we would be hurt by our own fleet members they were also some of the ones that were discriminated and attack helena because she was in a relationship with shokaku and arizona with akagi hanman well we all know why unfortunately.
*present time pov*
As me and the other went to go see who these very powerful kansen were and trying to figure out it they were in league with the sirens or ironblood because they had jets and missiles, when we got there I almost broke completely down when i saw someone who I saw die in my arms as eagle union attacked her when the saukras started attacking and sunk her. A--ma-gi Please tell me I'm not dreaming and you're really here. She smiles and she gains a very worried face when I hug her as I pass out into my arms unconscious. The rest of the Kansens also get extremely worried when amagi passes out as well.
As I look around I see a ocean at night with constellation as a noise that sounds like a fake cough comes from my right I turn and see someone who looks like me when amagi suddenly appears on my right when the Clone of me in a sorrowed depressed voice save them stop the Traitors keep humanity safe if a lady called dreamweaver offer you to make your own faction and get a massive retrofit take it and protect and defend humanity. Wait, who are you? Well to put it simply im you from the first timeline where humanity almost fell we are the members and ashes of humanity from then.
Wait, you're a meta version of me. You work for the sirens. You're a traitor to humanity!!! No im not im going to be blunt the only reason humanity still exists there even in very small numbers is the sirens stopping the true enemy. The sirens have been forcing humanity to prepare for by fighting the sirens are not all theyappear to be now. I originally brought you here to help prevent an event but were out of time. I have a gift. It's a skill called fleet warp. It allows you to instantly transport your fleet members over vast distances to stop amagi's sisters, and zuikaku from destroying pearl harbor.
Back in the real world
As we awaken we both jump up and start rambling I take charge and tell everyone, We have to go to pearl harbor. It's about to be under attack. I can detect 3 sakura ships on my sonar and tac net. Get ready. I met another version of myself.
Questions later got behind me in an arrowhead formation. I'm gonna warp us 20 miles from pearl. After everyone forms up I suddenly feel like someones guiding me and then in my bottom left I see a chibi version of the meta version of me and a message that she's gonna join me here to help for the upcoming battles then a bright tunnel of specs of light traveling extremely fast and then the smoke was seen and we all sailed as quick as possible to pearl and then a giant white fox suddenly appears and amagi gets and angry and worried face.
*5 hours before*
Laffey POV
Well apparently mom had some issues with her retrofit and she looks a little different is what I was told but I heard them say how they were gonna sink her whole fleet close to pearl for no reason, they also were gonna take out unicorn and illustrious as well which they heard as they walked past us they looked like they were gonna leave the base but before they could the base sirens went off and we were under attack.
*battle of pearl harbor scene to the giant fox shows up*
As me and the javelin grab unicorn and take the hit from the fox, we suddenly feel a hit from behind as we fall. We see illustrious dying beside us as suddenly a portal 5
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opens beneath us, unicorn and illustrious. We fell unconscious while going through the portal and when we all woke up we were in some sort of medical place. As we looked around we saw some people we are extremely afraid of. The siren empress and her 3 advisors were sitting at the ends of the beds. Then Another walked into the door one of the sirens we had rumors of but couldn't confirm her existence arbiter II dreamweaver walked in.
She started hovering and started talking in a surprisingly nice voice and said we are sorry that you guys were betrayed. The wounds you received from your own side were terminal wounds so we had to revive you. I'm sorry for the sudden change and I'm sorry for what you guys have become now.You guys are important to keep humanity safe. I'm sorry the only way we could save you was turning you into sirens but you guys have the ability to change your appearance so if you wanted you can appear as normal.
All of us EEEHHH wait a minutell! As we were about to jump out of and attack the sirens we were suddenly held down by observer alpha's rigging
Hold on we're gonna tell you our true goals and purpose. If you don't want to stay here you can go but you can join us and keep humanity safe by joining crimson axis or start a new organization and make a new base or join us and stay here or somewhere else. *tells the same thing about their history and purpose as Observer alpha tells Alice in chapter 1.
Well before you guys choose lets get u guys some new clothes to fit your new look i guess since your old ones were destroyed.
Wait, the other group is waking up as well.
*during the attack*
Suddenly from behind yorktown fleet massive 16in and 14 in guns can be heard as they slam into everyone terminally injuring them.
*siren base* where are we and why does my head hurt so much yorktown wonders as the little chibi meta version of her tells her she died and doesn'+ know hows shes back until dreamwalker comes on in and waits for everyone else to wake up with similar reactions to laffeys group and she explains everything again the only ones not surprised are alice and jackson to be honest they were transported here so the sirens probably did that hmmm I think i'm gonna adopt jackson and i can tell hornet wants to adopt Alice but the surprising thing is also whose resting in the chair which were akagi, zuikaku and shokaku who woke up as dreamweaver was explain she told us what happened and our choices but she said to give it some thought they also found others who were betrayed as well and brought us together to get us new clothes so we could change out of these hospital gowns.

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