CH.9 The Changing of Times and familia reunion

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Sakuran empire pov

All around the air was saturated with smoke and dust visibility was nearly impossible and the booming of artillery and bombs exploding it was a massacre.

ST.Louis pov
When we were ordered to barrage this are I made sure to miss any kansen or human since early I realized there were civilians here probably that had something to do with the bright flash that happened 2 days ago

During the reload time we were told to cease bombardment and to let the dust settle to see if more is needed.


As the smoke cleared I saw a sight that I was relieved and upset about. My sister was alive protecting little children and other civilians who were injured with her riggings but she was bloody and all of a sudden the cracking of a radio could be heard and all I hear is the commander ordering everyone to fire on my sister and the civilians ..... all of a sudden I felt a flood of anger spread over me and takeover. As I finish yelling at the rest of my, former allies I remember what the voice in my head said after I found out the truth about what happened to my sister.
Damnit why did the admirals do this why what did my sister have to do with this is it because she was in a fleet with Yorktown,hornet, and hamman.
Right after as if responding to my question I hear a voice in my mind
(" The reason is yes it's because she didn't discriminate against them she treated them as good friends, discrimination has became a real problem in Azur lane.

I have an offer for you I want you to join my organization we fight corruption in governments,in the shadows against the forces of evil and against discrimination and those who do it. For the people who has been discriminated we help them find happiness and a new chance where they aren't discriminated against. I am the Leader of the Guardians of humanity)

Why would I even consider joining you I don't even know you as far as I know your a siren and just are trying to trick me into betraying humanity.

(I am not but I can say one thing about the sirens)

What is it then what do you have to tell me?

( They were originally kansens just like you but the main difference is they are from hundreds of years in the future sent back in time to play the bad guys to force humanity to advance their tech at a extremely fast rate. The reason why is the future humanity knew they would go extinct because of a race called the Leviathans they are your true enemies.)

If so why would you tell me that?

( the reason why is because you are one of the few that can help stop them and not fall to there corruption since you are pure of heart)

So what I'm not joining you.

(You don't have to join now in the near future there's a event which will force you to make a choice where you will either uphold your beliefs and morals or where you will throw all that way to just follow an order when this time comes you will decide and if you choose to uphold your beliefs and morals you will know what to say when you feel so much hatred and disgust in that moment. When the time comes
Your heart will know what to do....)

Present POV ST.Louis
I know what this feeling means, I know now is the right time those thoughts hit my mind I felt myself ripped through space and time as I traveled through an abyss where there were these prinpicks of light no eyes watching me as the darkness faded as I came back out this time I front of my previous allies and friends then in a instant a massive beam of black,sapphire blue and white was released into the smoky dust and ash filled sky encompassing me as I scream " Azur lane I am DONE YOU HAVE GONE TO FAR KILLING CIVILIANS WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GUARDIANS THE PROTECTERS OF HUMANITY AND WHAT WERE YOU ABOUT TO DO KILL A BUNCH OF CHILDREN AND CIVILIANS ALL FOR WHAT A ORDER I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THIS BRAIN DEAD I WAS HOPING YOU WEREN'T THIS FAR GONE AS MY SISTER TOLD ME ONE NIGHTS IN MY DREAMS, WELL NOW I HAVE NO REGRETS FOR WHAT IM ABOUT TO DO....

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