Ch.7 A not so great reunion

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Italics = speech or talking/dialogue

POV Johnston

Ahiri what's going on your ship is still in dock and there finishing it today why is your ears and tails back although you haven't reconnected to your ship

I don't know then all of a sudden I hear in my mind a voice I heard years ago when me and Johnston were checking on my ship behind us it was Jake the guardian (Ahiri and Amanda  Ahiri your animal feature are back because your world combined with this one. The sirens took Jackson and Alice  and when they did it weakend the time continuum where the small signals they give off were pulled towards yours since the sirens took them time space was damaged and it repaired itself by combining the 2 worlds your kids are great kids they also are guardians you'll see them in the e near future but now you guys need to protect Newport the sirens are coming to test this humanity your kids found out the info you guys did all those years ago.)

After that all I can think is ohh crap we need to go.

Honey we need to leave now and get to the shipyard remeber Jake he just told us the same events with the sirens are about to start here since our two worlds combined which is why my features are back.

Narrator pov as this happened amanda and Charlie were also on there way since a similar event happened in the past for them as well as they get there.

POV 3rd person

We can see the 2 couples rush toward the bash with the girls driving while the 2 admirals are on the phone telling high command what's coming as air raid sirens are heard as they get to the port they rush to and reach the docks right as they are smashing the bottles of champagne on the ships in a hurry so they can head out.

POV Amanda's and Ahiri's
I reconnect to my ship and suddenly my senses are 20x more then normal and I feel multiple nuclear fusion reactors come online as my ship comes back from being dormant and oh lord they look different my carrier the Essex now labeled as cvn-9 super carrier looks similar to the New Gerald R Ford class carrier while yammtos has the same retrofit style as Missouri but has all her gun although they have been replaced with 460mm rail gun powered by her 4 fusion reactors along with a helicopter pad she has multiple 5in guns like seen on destroyers replacing her secondary's these are also multi purpose they can be aa as well Yamato has 20 laser aa defense spread over her hull and where her aa used to be half was phalanx CIWIS  guns and the other were rim-66 sam launchers.  While they also added 200 VLS cells to the front with the same customization ability as with Amanda's aircraft

While I have 15 rim-66 and 20 phalanx CIWIS

I can carry a total of 90 aircraft which I can change how many of each and type due to my cube we found out when we loaded my ship with f-18 super hornets and a notification popped up that said new aircraft added to cube data on the monitors this is where Jake explained what happens and how do to my wisdom cube I only need one type of each craft to save them and then adding the munitions is the same and then I can chose as certain combination up to 90 aircraft at a time. The jets and ammunition shipgirls can replenish this by eating food and sleeping so we don't have to worry about being out of ammo.

Random POV

Breaking news we are under attack by unknown opponents and ohhh shit what the heck one of the unknown ships just fired something straight out of sci-fi a laser what the world. We just got a transmission from the government these unknown vessels are called the sirens and their related to the massive flash we saw earlier this morning the government has told us we they have been warned something might happened from people not of this world as well there apart of humanity from another world and they have the weapons to fight these sirens off wait this seems like that game azurlane a lot doesn't it wait what's that?! The camera swivels and we see purifier in the background speeding to the port as a new klaxon is heard blaring this time it's more of a alarm like something is being moved.

Newport base POV

Klaxons we're blaring and multiple guns could be heard as the aa attempts to shoot down the siren jets. Then out of the blue new sirens are heard along with the klaxons along with small tremors as in empty supposedly unfinished dry docks bottoms open up and 2 ships rise out of them with a woman on each deck though one has fox ears and tails the other has blue hair.

The 2 voices break the silence as the two yell out while raising there hands as the ships moved from the dry docks into open water.

Yamato evolved engaged
Essex evolved engage

All of a sudden people watching the news and on base realize what's happening they cpnnect the dots that the multiverse is real and there world is now connected to the azurlane world as the two ship girls ships split up into light cyan blue for Amanda and orange for Ahiri
Fly around and manifest those twos riggings as they head out to fight off the sirens.

POV Amanda

As we head out our riggings aa automaticly just completely and effectively as well as effortlessly obliterate the siren craft and then we hear the one laugh we knew all to well as we exited the port and harbor into open seas and as we look in front of us purifier is waiting there waiting with a massive armada of ships.

So this is where you two disappeared to welp to bad I can't beat you up myself since I'm ordered not to engage but that doesn't mean my toys here can't.

As she says this all do the ships fire at the two and a massive smoke cloud appears and as we see Yamato informant of Amanda with a massive particle shield one of the items they came up with while retrofitting there ships. They both are unharmed after that attack and so they retaliate in turn as multiple massive booms are heard as Yamato's rail guns fire and break the sound barrier as they smash through 5 ships each and into other ones as well as launching swarms of missiles.

Purifiers face turns to one of horror after realizing who they are now and who there kids are and seeing the tech they have she instantly warps out and leaves the over 284 ships remaining to fight the two of them as Amanda launches 3 squadrons 1 of 8f22n sea raptors for air superiority as the other 2 were a10n sea hogs armed to the tenth with bombs rockets and missles start spread the fleet as multiple explosions are heard and many fog fights happens but in the background a new group is approaching its Azur lane they start attacking the back side but when they see who was defending.

Azurlane POV

We detected a massive fleet near Newport harbor so we booked it there since we were in the Atlantic now for whatever reason as we went there we see two shipgirls fighting them already and we attack and strat to fijnsih them off though when we finnished we saw teo people who we thought were lost to time...

But why is she with a sakuran.
Suddenly the leaders of Azur lane North Carolina and base commander PoW exclaim
Essex has betrayed us and started working with the Sakurans sink the traitor. As guns fire another flash happens and ?????? Casts a shield as multiple AR and Sniper shots ring out hitting some of azurlane they look up and see ......

Cliffhanger though I bet you can guess who they are and 2 chapters in a day hope you guys enjoyed this story so far as I said before when I get this written I'm going to go back and do major revisions I'll be doing minor ones when I catch when you guys point them out or I see them when I read

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