Chapter 3: Secrets revealed and Dire straits

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Jacksons pov location sakura empire
So what are we doing now I know me and alice don't need any retrofits currently or upgrades to our ships alice shall we go out and explore a little or someth-BRagnge brangek as the halls suddenly have flashing red lights and the ground shakes and we look to our left and see the betrayed ships along with their lovers coming out of the secret underground drydock where the orochi was once being built. We see the first ones come out it was hornet and yorktown yorktown had what looked to be a big battle carrier after the two of them came out as the warning sirens stopped wailing, laffey, javelin and helena along with takao went into the docks since the docks can fit 2 capital ships or 4 ships of other smaller size to heavy cruisers and up to 7 destroyers at the least. They went in to get there retrofits as we were about to walk away arbiter III the empress walked up behind me and in a regal tone Jackson, i'll need you guys to teach yorktown and hornet how to use their new missile targeting systems and new a as well and Alice i'll need you to teach them how to use there gun batteries since they never had actual offensive cannons.
Arbiters pov
*I hope observer and tester is not doing anything stupid especially after the last timeline (i kinda want to add the other timeline is going to be followingmuscles75 book right wrong i don't know where cleveland was betrayed and turned into a siren i got a little bit of inspiration from it to use in this book.@followingmuscles75 ) I think Cleveland remembers that timeline but it's been nice seeing that she and the others of her class accepted a few other ships and observers as their sisters in this timeline. I wonder how azur lane and thoses few will react when they find out what's going on.* she is pulled out her her own thoughts as she bumps into one of the mentioned ships of the cleveland class the one with the in the bataan (i dont care im adding her for the japanese navy she fled at the very start of shipgirls to japan where they took her in when eagle union was going to scrap her since she wasnt an escort ship and also had animal features at this time.
It was a normal day at azur lane as I was walking around the harbor after akagi and kaga teamed up with the sirens and attacked the few ships that came in along with those new ship I feel horrible now some of my best friends are dead and the rest of the admiralty and the high ranking girls on base dont care im gettingtired of this. I'm getting deja vu really bad it's almost exactly like what happened to me in the previous timeline but I wasn't on the receiving end as I get back to my door I'm thinking about leaving and going somewhere but where I could always go to northern parliament and visit baku(elma) and taskentnet and ask to stay there or go back and stay with my half sister since she wasn It apart of the attack. There was one last option. Although they would accept her there, yeah her girlfriend???
Had given her clothes in the ?????? factions fashion with her normal clothes recolored with a few changes. Sss Ggghhh I should probably go talk to my sisters.
As she is about to do that her train of thought gets interrupted as her door opened behind her as the person revealed to be columbia walks in and approaches who now is revealed as uss/??? Cleveland or for a few who knows observer Beta.Sister you can't dwell on them as much and you were mumbling about how the ironblood wouldn't accept you, you forgot one of our sisters we adopted into the clas and our 2 girlfriends are their aswell why wouldn't they accept us and you know if you leave we will follow and the rest of us are actually getting attacked because we were protecting montpelier from them since she has some slight animal features they are more and more hostile every day were all ready to go some of us already couldn"t take it anymore and was about to leave. We should go check on Montpelier as well. Let's go.
A certain maid overheard everything and knew it was about time for her and her sister to go aswell now she just had to tell her friend hood it's time to go and to change clothes.
Warning certain tone and mentions ahead
Back with cleveland and columbia as they went down the hallway of the dorms to their sisters rooms they suddenly heard what sounded to be the slicing of flesh they hurried up and and tried to open the door but couldn't so cleveland changed into her siren form since they were on their private floor of the dorms
She user her tentacles to get around the door and pul off its hinges as she rushes into the room and grabs and resins Montipliers arms to keep her from commit You know what because of what the other ships have been doing and how they've been treating her depression was at the level to where it looked like she had no life left in them at all as she looked at her sisters and said in a weak desperate and depressed tone You shouldn't care about me i'll just cause issues to come to you guys and it's not like I can be saved now I made sure to fracture and crack my cube so I die.
All of a sudden Cleveland and Columbia yell BS as the rest of the class comes over. You haven't caused anything and vour sister will never stop caring about you and why the hell did you do this. We cen then see cleveland in deep thought as she was trying to figure out a way to save her sister since she won't have much time soon when it hits her all of a sudden she could do something similar to what observer did to her couldn't she do the same in reverse to save and fix a cube but it would probably have the same effect. Although what to use is what needs to be thought of then suddenly she felt the princess of siren siren mixed with a ship girls passing by there floor and heading up the floor of the St Louis class cruisers a floor above wait what what's going on suddenly everything turns dark and she appears in her mind in what seems to be a beautiful garden with a white pavilion the background of what looks to be Helena and st louis arguing with Honolou about something as cleveland gets behind one of the pillars and all of a sudden she overhears how helena was betrayed by azur lane and were actually shot and killed
by KGV PoW and the queen elisabeth class battleships as well. She learned that Helena was a full blown siren. Now definitely deja vu is what I'm feeling. Sis come on you've seen it as well helena says in the background as honolulu start yelling how she won't join her and asks st louis that she agrees that she is now an enemy to humanity since she didn't know the sirens true goals like helena st louis or herself all of a sudden cleveland realize who the presence was coming from it was from st louis as she revealed her true form and told her sister honolulu everything which honolulu finally accept and said she'll leave with st louis as she says this cleveland decides to reveal herself as she walks out from around the pillar in her normal form all three of them suddenly go pale and get worried that is until what cleveland says next.
It's nice to see i'm not the only one of us on base right now then at that all of them got confused until they realized there was more to cleveland meets the eye as she suddenly transforms into the mysterious sirens in the early days of kansen whos called observer Beta the siren of humanity at that everythings goes black as we see cleaveland wake up to her sisters shaking her after they bandaged Montipliers injuries. As they started frantically started asking what happened ands if she was ok all of a sudden there dorm rooms main door is kicked open and closed quickly as st louis and honolulu is seen running into the room and start demanding answers to what they saw in their dreams conversations with their sister as they came around the corner into the living room to see cleveland/OB in her siren form.

Timeskip 2 weeks

The clevelands had talked abort what they were going to do it was currently early morning when cleveland contacted her half sister observer Alpha as she needed to get a black wisdom cube/mental cube to use to heal her sister but at the same time unfortunately the only way to save her was to turn her into a siren since she's a cleveland class she is going to be another observer so things are going to get very hectic as observer classes were very powerful ships she suddenly warps back to her dorm room as she feels something is wrong as she see montpelier trying to open the window to dive out of the living room window on the 30th floor of the dorms to try to finish what she started as cleveland grabs her pull her inside restrains her in a bear hug after she calms her down and montpelier falls asleep cleveland bring the mental cube out of it tranport case and start the process of pushing the cube into montipliers chest and montiplier wakes up and the rest of the class comes running when they see cleveland shoving and empty cube in montys chest and suddenly a silverish glow happens as it dies out you can see montiplier with now some tentacles like the rest of the observers as she comes into conscious again she breaks down since her depression was at that point and she tried to ram the window and break it as her sister restrain her and calm her down it looks like shes may be able to recover if they take her away from azur lane and discrimination.

Time skip brought to you by cleaveland and Helena teaching there sisters how to use there respective siren abilities

1 month later
Location Iron blood base 00:00 hours
Suddenly Prinz Eugen and Hipper wake up as alarms start blaring because unknown ships had been detected heading toward there base as the 2 rush out toward the harbour.

Prinz Eugen's Pov

Its to early in the morning for this shite when I was sent out, I took my sister hipper and ?????? was with me as I had had a feeling she was important for the events that were going to happen so. We are heading toward the unidentified ship as the seas suddenly get more choppy as the winds pick up and start howling as we see 6 figures on the horizon by the size of there riggings them seem to be light cruisers but there is something off about 2 of them but as we get closer I see its...

(*its phlyzone here im sorry it too so long to get this out guys i had a massive writers block writing this and as you saw in the update i also had to wait + get permission to use followingmuscles75 character observer beta or also know as
USS cleveland thats all. I Hope to have another chapter out soon*)

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