30 May, 2015 / 33 Months, 19 Days Until I'm Eighteen

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(Basically any picture I share is something I took/made so this is the last I'll tell you I took this and I was proud of it)

Howdy, it's been awhile. First off, I changed my book title, I was gonna change the cover too, but I want to take the picture to make it more personal, and it's one in the morning and I'm at my grandmother's boys so that won't happen. But since it's one in the morning and I binge watched countless episodes of How I Met Your Mother, I'm feeling rather sentimental. So bear with me, or don't and stop reading, whichever.

So as I watched season nine of the show, and as anyone who watches How I Met Your Mother knows season nine is an emotional roller coaster, so I was crying pretty hard at the end of Last Forever Part 2. When I went up to my room, I realized what I want in a relationship. I want a best friend, but in a non-platonic way. I want him/her/Pokemon to be attracted to me and me to them, and I want to talk with them for hours and lay my head on their lap and cry with them and hold hands with them. I don't, however, want the sex and kissing and cuddling (unless I'm the cuddler, I think I'd be okay with that) and the arm putting-around-ing (?) and the gooey text messages and flowers and love letters and stuff. I don't know I'm so complicated.

Also, my last day of school was Thursday, and I just got so sentimental I got sad because I'd miss my locker, I'd miss having my favorite teacher at the end of everyday, I'm gonna miss my algebra teacher, and my English teacher. I then realized that I was so excited for the year to come. One of the reasons for that was because I would take swing choir (choir on steroids of awesomeness) next year, which I learned today was cut from my school because my school has "no funds". No school with only 350ish kids needs six different math teachers! Just cut one of those mother fuckers! (I know one in particular that could be cut.) But no one who made the decision cares about it being cut! The principal's leaving, the vice principal, the super intendant, even the head of the fucking school board! So basically they cut the swing choir and music theory... did I mention they cut art earlier in the year too? *hangs self*

Anyway my voice teacher said she might start a swing choir so I shouldn't lose hope, and she offers a music theory class that I might take if I have money for it. Oh! I sang a high C at my voice lesson, and it sounded good! I was so proud! And she told me what to do for various things in into the woods and I'm excited about that too.

I always feel like I have a lot to say, but whenever I feel the will to write it I start to get tired, so trust me I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully a new cover and the rest of my recap. Good night!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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