Chapter Eight | night school

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C H A P T E R   E I G H T

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C H A P T E R   E I G H T

night school

It was a generally uneventful evening at home. Amber ate dinner with her brother before he patted her lovingly on the head and left for the fire station for the night. After he'd gone into work, the sudden solitude of the quiet house eventually lulled her to sleep, her head tipped over against the back of the couch.

The alert tone of an incoming call roused her a little while later and she sleepily looked around the dark room in nap-induced confusion before remembering her cell phone in her pocket and pulling it out while it continued to ring loudly.

"Hello?" She answered, blinking her eyes in an attempt to clear the sleep from them.

"Amber, hey! Were you asleep already?" Scott's voice asked her in confusion.

"Scott, who's phone are you calling me from?" She asked, looking at the unfamiliar number on the screen.

"I'm calling from work. Just- Just meet me in the parking lot at school, okay?"

"Uh, okay-" She said slowly, "Is Stiles picking me up?"

"He's already on his way to get me from the clinic," Scott told her, "I debated calling you because I don't think he wants you there, what with.. You getting hurt and everything. But I think you should meet us there."

"I'll be there." She promised, already rising from the couch and heading toward the front door.

Scott ended the call quickly and she grabbed the large flannel that had been hanging untouched on a hook at the front door for the last couple weeks — one that she'd borrowed the night they'd snuck out to the Hale house to dig up Laura's body. She threw it over her tank top, grabbed the small set of keys her brother had given her only the night before, and drove to the school.

She succeeded in getting there with the car only jerking a couple of times when she let off the clutch too quickly or fumbled between gears. She parked in the side lot where the brawl with the Senior boys had taken place only a few hours before and exited the car.

Looking around the dark lot in confusion, she dropped her keys into the pocket of her over shirt. Her house was significantly farther from the school than Stiles' or even the clinic, but the blue Jeep was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, she set off to figure out which lot Stiles and Scott had parked in.

As she approached the rear parking lot, where the mountain lion chaos had taken place the night before, she spotted the Jeep as well as the dark sports car sitting directly behind it, both parked along the curb.

Stiles was holding a large pair of bolt cutters in his hands and Amber's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she wondered what exactly the plan was for the night.

"Guys!" She called out, jogging up to the group and coming to stand beside Scott and Stiles, looking over the hood of the other parked car at Derek.

"What is she doing here?" Both Derek and Stiles asked in sync, voices taking on very different emotions.

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