Chapter Ten | wolf's bane

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wolf's bane

"Oh, god! Is she really close?" Amber asked loudly, refusing to check the mirrors to get a gauge on where Kate's SUV was behind them. Her knuckles were white from her tight grip on the steering wheel and her right hand throbbed dully in protest at the flexed muscles.

"She's literally right behind us!" Scott told her from the passenger seat, "You need to go faster!"

"Much faster!" Stiles reiterated from the back seat.

Amber whined a pitiful noise but proceeded to press her foot down harder on the gas pedal as she increased their speed. She dropped her right hand to shift gears and cut the wheel sharply to the left, the tires of the car squealing as they rounded a turn and careened between two large buildings. She up-shifted between gears as they took off again.

"I still don't know why neither one of us is driving when we arguably have the most experience. And we would definitely be going faster than this." Scott stated anxiously, leaning toward the driver's seat to peek at the Camaro's speedometer.

"Because Derek doesn't trust either of you enough to drive his car, okay? Now stop distracting me!" Amber snapped, her eyes hyper focused on the pavement in front of her as they raced through the area near the train depot.

"Amber, I really don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here!" Stiles critiqued from the backseat, reaching forward to rest a hand over the leather on the right side of the driver's seat.

"If I go any faster, I'm going to crash and kill us!" She told him, pressing down harder on the gas pedal and increasing their speed by another small increment.

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're going to kill us!" Stiles shouted, nudging her shoulder with his hand.

Her foot lowered onto the gas pedal that much more and she shifted between gears again, huffing an anxious breath when the car's engine revved and they sped up.

"They're gone." Stiles announced suddenly.

Her eyes finally flicked over to her side mirror to look out at the darkness behind them and her shoulders sagged in relief at the absence of headlights in the reflection.

"Where did they go?" She asked in confusion, letting up on the gas and down-shifting between gears as she allowed the car to slow incrementally.

Stiles clicked on his walkie-talkie from the backseat and Sheriff Stilinski's voice sounded out over the scratchy radio.

"All units. Suspect is on foot, heading into the Iron Works."

"Shit! Do you think the hunters know that now, too?" Amber questioned superfluously.

She took a hard right and turned in the direction of the old Iron Works building, speeding past a number of the many abandoned warehouses before she took one more sharp turn. She spotted a large open doorway in the side of the building that was once used for deliveries and she's cut the wheel sharply, tires squealing loudly again as they turned into the building.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Scott yelled suddenly, unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing over into the back to sit with Stiles.

Amber slammed on the brakes as she, too, spotted Derek squatting down behind a large piece of equipment. As the tires squealed in protest, Stiles reached across and into the front seat to swing the door passenger open for Derek.

"Get in! Get in!" Amber yelled, heart pounding as she watched Derek race to the vehicle through a spray of bullets.

As soon as he was inside the car, she shifted gears and slammed her foot down on the gas pedal again, taking off while a hunter that she couldn't see shot at the moving vehicle rapidly with an automatic weapon.

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