Chapter Twelve | formality

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C H A P T E R   T W E L V E

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With everything that had happened over the previous forty-eight hours, the last thing Amber wanted to be doing on Tuesday afternoon was walking through the woods or going shopping. Regardless, she found herself awkwardly sandwiched between Lydia and Allison as they followed a hiking trail deep into the preserve.

She wanted to be angry with Allison for everything that had taken place. For telling her aunt that Amber knew Derek at all, let alone that she was close with him, that she thought they were together. But Amber begrudgingly understood why she couldn't hold it over her.

If Allison truly had no idea what her family was up to, then Amber didn't feel right being upset with her for exposing something that she'd thought to be nothing more than teenage drama. Nonetheless, Amber couldn't help but feel antsy.

With Amber's trust for Allison nearly nonexistent, and her heart pounding in her skull with constant anxiety, she found herself looking over her shoulder obsessively as they trekked through the woods, practically waiting for Peter Hale to make an appearance at any second — Or equally frighteningly, Allison's aunt.

She wasn't entirely sure which would be worse.

"Allison," Lydia huffed in annoyance as her high heel caught on another fallen tree branch, continuing when Amber reached to steady her, "When you told us you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping; a five mile hike in the woods.. Not what I was expecting."

"Lydia, we've only been walking for ten minutes." Amber laughed.

The redhead held up her hand in a signal for Amber to keep quiet, "Regardless."

"Mm," Allison hummed noncommittally, turning her attention to Lydia, "Before I forget, I wanted to ask you something. Jackson asked me to the winter formal."

"Did he?" Lydia questioned, going for casually unaffected, but not quite accomplishing it.

"You-? You didn't say yes, did you?" Amber asked incredulously.

Allison shrugged, "He asked just as friends. I wanted to make sure Lydia was okay with it first, though."

"Allison. They literally just broke up. Last week." Amber said in disbelief.

Lydia nudged Amber aggressively before speaking to Allison, "Sure," She told her, "As long as it's just as friends."

"Well, yeah." Allison said easily, turning to look at Amber out of the corner of her eye, "It's not like I'd take him into an empty classroom before lacrosse practice and make out with him, or anything."

Amber startled so hard she nearly tripped, reaching out to grab ahold of Lydia's arm as she stood upright again, "What?" She squeaked.

"Allison, that is so not what-" Lydia started, but Amber tightened her hand around the girl's arm and shook her head pleadingly.

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