That was too close for comfort

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The four of you dizzy, Teresa and maralin are on the road to leave Tyrus you and Marilan are in the bed on the truck sense there's only two seats up front as the two of you sit there waiting

Maralin: so...where you from soldier?

Kenneth: heh I'm not a soldier not anymore at least

Marilan: well sense this all happened you could say your still in cuz they didn't get the paper work done

Kenneth: heh that right?

Maralin: mmmm maybe? I don't know I was never in the military

Kenneth: hahahah I can tell from when I first met yea that you weren't

Teresa: *psst* dad

Dizzy: hmm?

Teresa: *Whisper* watch this. You best not be making out up there

Kenneth and maralin: SHUT UP!!!

Diz and teresa: HAHAHAHA!!!!

As everyone is laughing a earthquake happens shaking the ground and the truck making it swerve and hit a ditch then out crawls a giant spider like creature then out comes locusts


Dizzy leads the girls out of the truck behind a rock he then comes back boltock in hand shooting, you then see a locust sprinting towards you with a retro lancer you then move to the right kicking the gun out of his hand you then grab the grubs throat holding him high and snapping it's neck

Kenneth: damn grub

You then lift your leg up and crush its head to the ground

Kenneth: scratch one grub

Dizzy: you girls ok?

Maralin: yea we're good

Teresa: what the hell was that thing!?!?!

Kenneth: no idea it's like some spider or something

Dizzy: well whatever the hell it is I don't wannna stick around here when it comes back come help me get the truck out of the ditch

The four of you start pushing the pickup out and check the damage just then you hear a loud booming sound you look back and see lasers coming down on the city but your not far enough away to not get hit

Kenneth: holy shit...dizzy how long till that trucks done?

Dizzy: Not long here just gotta work out the kinks here

Kenneth: is it drivable

Dizzy: yup

Kenneth: is it fast

Dizzy: uuh yea? What's with the weird quest......ions

Kenneth: everyone get to the truck NOW GO GO GO

Maralin: oh my god!!!

You then grab maralin by the waste and toss her in the bed of the truck dizzy and teresa get in as well starting it and punching the gas as your driving away the hammer hits as the blast wave catches up with you, you see a emulsion pump you tell dizzy to make a right and he does he quickly makes a right turn stoping at the emulsion depot you all get out and you open a basement door all four of you get in the basement with the supplies you brought soon as you close the door and shove a pipe in the door handles you then hear a loud boom along with a quake you turn the lights on and see everyone safe and sound

Gears of war: the locust warWhere stories live. Discover now