Please have mercy

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you made your way to mercy and see people that were stranded by the cog building walls with vehicles, dumpsters, scraps

Kenneth: Jesus Christ

Maralin: we sure gonna need him right about now

Kenneth: hello! Can you please help us! All we want is some fuel and a battery!

Stranded: fuck off! We don't need or want you here

Maralin: please! We just want 2 things that's it! maybe we can help you in exchange for fuel and a battery!

Stranded: well you can help me tonight just you and I hehehe

Kenneth: watch it buddy she's mine now unless you want a hole in between your eyes I suggest you bring who Evers in charge out here

???: open it!!!!

Stranded: alright!! alright

As the gate opens you see a older man in a trench coat walking towards you he then reaches his hand out and greets himself

Preston: Hello I'm Preston and I'm the leader of mercy here and I'm very sorry about Jacob up there

Kenneth: hello I'm Kenneth and this here is maralin we have a truck just a few hours up and all we need is a battery and some fuel we can help you out in anyway we can

Preston: where you headed?

Kenneth: we're headed up to Jacinto

Preston: hmm there is one thing you can do while going up there

Kenneth: anything

Preston: I have rust lung I was diagnosed with it not long before this all happened and I have a grandson and sense your headed up there could you take him there its a lot safer there than out here

Maralin: yeah! We'll take him but are you sure?

Preston: yeah I'm sure you seem like good people, thank you I'll go get him Adam can get you what you need to get you're truck goin

Kenneth: thank you, we'll take care of him like he's our own

Preston: thank you fair warning he's not well not sickly but...his parents my son and daughter-in-law both passed when all this began from those locusts

Maralin: oh my god I'm so sorry to hear that

Preston: it's fine we all lost someone close

Kenneth: yeah I know

Preston: well no dwelling on the past now gotta focus on the present my right!?

Kenneth: yeah, thank you again for the help

Preston: it's no problem oh and before I forget to tell you do not! Go west there's a horde of locust, corpsers and brumaks

Marilan: what's a corpser?

Kenneth: what's a brumak?

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