Watching the baby (Robbie Kay)

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It's a Saturday morning and You wake up to the sound of Your baby, Oliver crying. "It's Your  turn." Your husband, Robbie mumbles. "Really?!" You say surprised. "Yep, 'cause I got him when he cried at 2:00 am." He says tried. "Ok, You sleep darling!" You kiss his forehead then you get up and walk to Oliver's nursery. He's still crying. You pick Oliver up from the crib. "It's ok Oliy, Mommy's Here!" You sway back and forwards to try and calm him. He finally falls back to sleep. So You put him back in the crib.

You walk back into the master bedroom and You see Robbie sound asleep. So you decide to take a shower and Go run some errands. But before you leave, you write a note to Robbie just so he'll know you're just going to run errands! Then off you go running errands.

When Robbie walks up he finds the note and reads it."Dear Luv, I put Oliy back to sleep he should wake up for a bottle soon you know where to find his bottle when he wakes up. Don't worry I just went to run some errands. I'll be back at 3:00 pm. Take good care of my baby, Love your wife Y/N."Robbie finishes reading the note.

"Ok, I got this I can take care of my son for one afternoon!"

Robbie says to himself. He walks into the kitchen to start making a cup of coffee. He hits the start of the coffee maker. Just then Oliver starts crying. "I'm coming, buddy," Robbie says with that very British accent. He walks into Oliver's room and picks him up out of the crib and cradles him. He walks into the living room still holding Oliver. Robbie gently sits him down on his play mat that has toys above it.

Then there is a knock at the down. Robbie opens the door and it's.....Camilla and Fiona. (His Sister's) "Camilla, Fiona What are you two doing here?!" Robbie asks confused. "Oh, Y/N called and said that she had to go somewhere and that she left you here with Oliver," Camilla says. "So..We knew HAD to come over and check on our little brother!" Fiona laughs. Robbie lets them in the house. "So where is he?!" Fiona asks. "He's on his play mat, in the living room." Robbie yawns. Fiona sees Oliver. "Aww!"

She sits next to Oliver on the floor.

Robbie pours himself some coffee into a mug. He takes a sip.

"mmm," He sighs. "Robbie?" Camilla said. "Yes?" He coxs an eyebrow. "Have you been sleeping ok?!" She asks concerned for him. "Well....better than I thought you know adjusting to having a baby." He sips his coffee. "Does he sleep throw the night?" Camilla asks. "Uh...The first couple  when we brought him home from the hospital, This past week he's been waking up all the time." Robbie sighs.

"He's only a month old just wait still He's like 15-16 then he'll be all mad at you and not want to talk to you and thinks your "Lame"!" Camilla laughs. "Ha! Yeah, I can't imagine what I put Mum and Dad through when I was a kid!" Robbie chuckles.

"Robbie," Fiona calls from the living room. "Yes?!" Robbie calls back. "Can you get his bottle?" Fiona calls. "Yep!" Robbie gets the bottle from the refrigerator, He hands it to Fiona. Fiona shakes her hand "No". "Here," Robbie says. "No, Robbie you should feed him. "Are you sure?" He walks over to the couch and sits down on it.

Fiona picks Oliver up and gives him to Robbie. Robbie cradles him. " Just slowly put the bottle up to his mouth....." Camilla tells Robbie. "Good, Now he'll just start to drink it!" Oliver starts drinking the bottle. "Wow, Buddy Good Job!" Robbie says smiling. Robbie looks into his son's beautiful green eyes.Oliver's eyes slowly start to close he falls back to sleep.Robbie puts Oliy up to his chest and holds up his head so he won't hurt his neck. Robbie rocks him then walks back to Oliy's nursery and puts him back in the crib.

Robbie walks back into the living room and falls on the couch, tired. "Good job, Robbie!" Camilla says. "Yeah, Your going to be a great dad!" Fiona says with a big smile on her face. They hug him as he still laying on the couch and they leave Robbie falls asleep.

***********************************************************************************************Time skip to when Y/N Comes home.At 3:00 pm.Y/N Opens the door to the house and walks in. She sets her purse down on the table in the dining room. "How's my baby!"Y/N calls happy to be back home. "Robbie?" Y/n walks into the living room to see Robbie asleep on the couch. Y/N picks up a blanket and puts it over Robbie, Then She bends down to his level and kisses him. "I love you, Your gonna be a marvelous dad!" Y/N smiles.

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