The Fantasy Notebook.(Erik)

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A.N: GUYS ROBBIE'S in a scripted podcast called Academy!! I'll probably make a imagine for it! Sorry for the long long wait on an imagine I've been really busy.

I'm sitting on the couch, next to Erik, my best friend. Every else that lives in the house thinks I'm crazy for being best friends with Erik because he's quote on quote "rude and selfish." Whatever! I love talking to him. And plus I know deep down he has a soft spot for me!
I've been in love with Erik since last year when I first moved into the house.

I was moving in to the room across from his and I went to say hi to him and he slammed the door in my FACE!
After that I knew I loved him. WHY?! that's what everyone else in the house asks me. Because he plays hard to get, Erik is not like other guys I've dated. He won't just fall into my lap. Like all the other guys living in the house. 

The house is mostly made up of college kids. Like me. But Erik is the only one not in college. I started talking to him. But every time I did he would just walk away like I was a ghost or something.

Suddenly months later he started talking to me! I guess he gets lonely sometimes. He basically locks himself in his room. Probably because some of the guys like to have friends over and he hates talking to people.

As I get out of my deep train through, I see that one of the roommates, Darius walks in with a girl. She's pretty. Her hair is curled and she had on a yellow top that makes her brown skin stand out.

"May!" One of the guys say.

"Hey." May says so softly like she's trying to be shy.

Erik looks at me and grabs the chip bag off the coffee table.

"Who the hell is she?" Erik mumbles.

"I don't know." I state clearly just as confused as him.

Then Darius starts introducing May in everyone, going around the room.

Until he gets to Erik and I. 

"That's Erik and Y/N." Darius points to us still sitting on the couch. I have my head nested in the crook of Erik's neck. He doesn't care. But I know he likes it.

"Hey!" I say, smiling at May. She smiles back looking at me.

"You guys make a cute couple!" May smiles. Darius gives her this look like she fucked up big TIME.

Erik gets up off the couch. storming off.

"Erik! Wait!" I yell while running after him.

"What did I say?" May says. Confused.

"Erik does not like it while people call him and Y/N a couple." Darius rubs the back of his neck.

The next day. May comes over to the house to look for Darius. Erik is sitting on the couch reading.

"Hey." May says softly. 

"Do you know where Darius is?" May asks awkwardly putting her hands in her jacket.

"Don't know. Don't care." Erik does not look up from his book.

"I'm May. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot last night."

"OK?" Erik says in a very rude tone of voice.

"So where's Y/N?!" May asks like a little kid.

"Why do you need to know?!" Erik coxs an eyebrow at her. Finally looking up at her.

"I-I was just asking." She puts her hand up.

"Well, don't!" Erik hisses. He then gets up and picks up all his books. Erik trips over his foot making his books go everywhere.

"Here. Let me help." May bends down to help Erik pick up the books.

"I don't need your help!" Erik yells like a teen girl on her period. Picking up all the books then storming into his room.

May sits down on the leather couch sighting a book on the ground then picking it up and flipping through it.

May then is then sitting in her car with the book on the phone with Athena,(her mom). Talking about all the crazy things in the book. May then texts Darius texting him. not to go in the house. But it's too late Erik already has Darius hostage with a screwdriver to his neck. May knows something is very wrong so she asks her mom to come to the house and call swat. 

10 mins later Erik calls May and yells for his notebook back. 

"May, you have something I want!" Erik tightens the grip on the screwdriver against Darius's neck.  

"I understand your upset, Erik. I do." "But please let Darius go!"

I pull up to the house and I see like a million cops cars. I then run out of my car as fast as I can over to May. I see her on the phone. 

"May. What the hell is going on here?!" I state pulling my hands on my hips.

"Erik has Darius hostage somewhere in the house." May says her hand shaking some.

I look at her with so much confusion. What the fuck is she talking about?! Erik would never do something like that! She's insane. She must have done something!

"What did you do?" I ask, pissed off. I know Erik like a book.  He would never do something like that for no reason!

"I-I took this notebook called "The Fantasy Notebook." She holds up the school looking notebook. I tsk. Then sigh.

"No wonder he's so pissed!" I yell at her.

"Y/N. Why are you defending him?!"

"He's dangerous!" May points to the notebook in her right hand.

"You don't get to say that! You don't know him like I do!" I tear up. 

"I love him. This is all your fault you can't keep your hands to yourself!"

I then impulsively run into the house and into the living room and see three officers holding up their guns at Erik. While Erik has a screwdriver in his hand.  

"Drop it! now!" Officer grant says holding her gun tightly. Erik just stares at her with so much  hatred in his green eyes.

I then run over to Erik and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a sweet hug. Erik melts at my touch and I feel all that hatred fade away as he returns the hug wrapping his arms around my waist sweetly. Tears fall down my face.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here!" I say feeling his tears fall down my back.

"This was not how it was supposed to go!" He cries.

"I know. I know." I subbed into his neck.

"I'm not going to see you for a little baby." He says softly letting go of me. Then getting on his knees putting his hands behind his back.

"No.No I'm coming with you!" I yell getting on my knees next to him.

"If he goes to jail. I go too!" I yell loudly, putting my hands behind my back just as Erik did seconds before.

So the officer puts hand cuffs on both of us and we're sent to jail together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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