"I'll give my kidney." (Chris. Daniels)

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(A/N: This is a Chris Daniels Imagine,Robbie's character from Grey's. The ep. is season 13 ep 14 :))


You are sitting at home on your phone when your boyfriend's mom texts you.

Chris's Mom- Hey Y/N, I'm not sure if Chris told you but he's getting his surgery today and he would love for you to come so he can see you before he goes into surgery!

Y/N-Sure I would love to come, What hospital is he at?

Chris's Mom- Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Y/N- Ok!, Great I'll be there in 15!

You grab your car keys and hop in the car.On the drive there you hope that Chris getting that kidney from his mom will help him cause he has interstitial nephritis. You finally get there, park and walk into the hospital."How may I help you?!" A nice lady says.

"Hi, I'm looking for my boyfriend, Chris Daniels he's uh..getting a kidney transplant." You say excited and can't wait to see him."Ah yes, He's in room 101 just to the left!" She smiles and points me in the direction. I walk until I see room 101 I walk and see Chris sating up in a hospital bed and his mom standing next to the bed. "Y/N, You're here thank god!" She opens her arms for a hug, You hug her back. "Hey, Babe!" You say. you give Chris a hug.

"Hey Y/N, Thanks for coming I'm just really nervous to get surgery," Chris says rubbing the back of his neck."Of course, I'd come, I know how much this means to your mom and you, so it's important to me!" You smile big. Then some doctors come in." Chris, Cynthia you about ready for surgery?" Dr. Wilson says. she a pretty lady with the front pieces of her hair are a lighter blonde than all the rest of her hair. "I'm not ready to leave him yet, he's my.." "No, Mom Don't say it, just don't...." Chris says. "MY BABY!" his mom boos him on the nose. Chris frowns.

You laugh. A different doctor wakes in. She tells Chris to lay back because he's going to be taken to O.R. You hold his hand as he's in the bed being rolled to O.R. "Don't worry, Darling, I'll be here when you wake up!" You kiss him then let go of his hand as you watch your boyfriend and his mom taken into surgery.


30 minutes later

You're sitting in the waiting room when you see Dr. Wilson in her scrubs on the phone saying. "Did I say he's 16?" "I know it doesn't change anything, but he's 16, and he is open on a table!""Anything?" She says to the other doctor next to her. " Nothing, I'll try Seattle Pres again." The other doctor picks up the phone. "This kid doesn't have another option." "We just lost his donor's kidney!" "We need another one right now"You get up from your seat and walk over to her."Are you talking about my boyfriend?" You say concerned."I-I uh....." She sets the phone down on her chest."Your talking about my boyfriend!" You say shocked."Yes, We lost his mother's kidney." Dr. Wilson states.

"What are you guys going to do?" You ask."Oh god!...... Chris will die without that kidney!" You start to tear up. "I'll do it!" You state to Dr. Wilson. "I'll give my kidney.""Uh...well?" Dr.Wilson says. "Can We do that??" She looks at Dr. Edwards. "Yeah." Said Dr. Edwards. "Ok, well let's get you ready for surgery!" Dr. Wilson smiles.

Next thing you know your are on a table and Dr. Wilson is telling you to count backward from 10 as she puts a mask on your face. "10." "9" "8" "7" "6-6" Your eyelids start to feel heavy. "5" "4"You count. You're out cold. While you are asleep the doctors remove one of your kidneys and give it to Chris. "Transplant successful!" Dr. Wilson says smiling. "You did it, Y/N!" Dr. Wilson says to you.

Suddenly Your Pulse drops. the machine behind Dr. Wilson starts flat-lining. "She dying" Dr. Edwards yells. A Whole bunch of doctors crowds around you. Dr. Edwards is giving you CPR."Come on, Baby!" She keeps breaths in your mouth. "Come on, Y/N!" "Someone get a shocker!" Dr. Wilson calls. A nurse hands Dr. Edwards a shocker. "Set to 400!" She yells. it shocks you. No heartbeat. "Again!" She yells. It shocks you again. Nothing."Time of death,10:42 pm, April 29 th 2023." Dr. Edwards says.

***********************************************************************4 hours Later

(Chris and his mom just woke up from surgery)

Dr. Wilson and Edwards walk into the recovery room where Chris and Cynthia are."The Transplant went well......" Dr. Edward said. "But we have some other news." Dr. Wilson says. "We lost your mom's kidney."Dr. Wilson says. "And Y/N Knew that you needed a kidney.....S-So she give you one of hers." "She gave the kidney, T-Then...."Dr. Wilson starts tearing up. "No." Chris's mom says softly."What. mom. What is going on?" Chris says. "I'm Sorry to tell you this but Y/N Passed during surgery." Dr. Edwards says. "No, No, No!" Chris Cryes. "Mom, She can't be gone I love her, A-And I never got to tell her!" Chris cries. His Mom holds him while he cries.

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