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2 months later

The babies were now 6 months old. Half a year. Time was going quickly and although Padme and Anakin were excited about their twins growing up and creating their personality they were worried what the future might bring for them.

Padme and Anakin were sitting on the floor of the living room, surrounded by toys and baby books. The twins were playing happily beside them, babbling and giggling.

"I can't believe they're already 6 months old," Padme said, shaking her head in wonder. "Time has just sped by." Anakin nodded, a huge grin on his face. "I know, right? It's amazing how fast they're growing up. They're getting so big and strong."

Padme reached over and ruffled the hair of the baby nearest to her. "Yes, they are. And they're so much fun now. They're starting to sit up on their own and play with toys. It's like they're little people all of a sudden." Anakin laughed. "Yeah, they are. And they're so cute when they're excited about something. Like when I make funny faces at them, they just crack up." Padme smiled. "I love seeing them happy. It makes me feel like we're doing something right." Anakin put his arm around her. "We are doing something right. We're raising two amazing little humans. And I can't wait to see what they'll do next." Padme leaned her head on his shoulder. "Me too. It's going to be an adventure, that's for sure."

They sat there for a while longer, watching the twins play and talking about all the things they were looking forward to in the months and years to come. It was a happy, peaceful moment, and they were grateful for every second of it.

Watching the twins play on the floor. The babies had been drooling a lot and chewing on everything in sight, and Padme and Anakin knew that it was a sign that they were starting to teethe.

"Look at them," Padme said, pointing to the twins. "They're gnawing on those toys like they're trying to eat them." Anakin chuckled. "Yeah, they are. I think they're getting some teeth." Padme's eyes widened. "Oh, that's so exciting! I can't wait to see their little teeth poking through." Anakin nodded. "Me too. I bet they're going to look adorable with little teeth."

Padme leaned over and picked up one of the toys the babies had been chewing on. "They're growing up so fast. It makes me emotional!" Anakin put his arm around her. "Yeah, it does. But every new phase is exciting. I can't wait to see what they're going to do next." Padme smiled. "Me too. It's going to be an adventure."

Suddenly, Leia started to cry. "Oh no," Padme said, getting up from the couch. "I think Leia is in pain." Anakin nodded. "Yeah, it sounds like it."

Padme picked up one of the babies and looked in their mouth. "I don't see any teeth yet. But they are drooling a lot." Anakin picked up the other baby and examined their mouth. "Yeah, I don't see any teeth either. But they're definitely in pain."

Padme cuddled the crying baby and whispered soothing words to them. "It's okay, little one. Mommy's here. We'll make it better." Anakin did the same with the other baby. "Daddy's here too. We'll make it all better."

Suddenly Luke started crying due to the pain of his teeth. Anakin picked him up and rocked him singing a song his mother used to sing to him when he was young.

They spent the rest of the afternoon trying different things to soothe the babies. They gave them cold teething rings to chew on, rubbed their gums with a clean finger, and sang them lullabies. Eventually, the babies fell asleep, and Padme and Anakin breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was tough," Padme said, sitting back down on the couch. "I hate seeing them in pain." Anakin nodded. "Me too. But we'll get through it together. We're a team." Padme smiled. "Yes, we are. And we have the best team in the galaxy."

A few days later

Padme was sitting in the living room with Anakin, holding Luke and Leia in her arms. They were both crying and nothing seemed to be able to soothe them.

Padme tried rocking them back and forth, but that didn't work. She tried singing to them, but they just cried louder.

She was starting to feel helpless when she remembered a lullaby her mother used to sing to her when she was a baby. It was a song about the stars and the moon, and how they would always be watching over her.

Padme started singing the lullaby softly, and to her surprise, the babies stopped crying. They looked up at her with wide eyes, listening to her voice. Padme smiled and continued singing, feeling a warmth in her heart. She knew that this was what motherhood was all about - being there for her children and soothing them when they needed it most.

As she sang, she looked out the window and saw the stars shining in the sky. She knew that her mother was watching over her, just as she was watching over her own children. The babies fell asleep in her arms, and Padme gently placed them in their cribs. She bent down and kissed each of them on the forehead, feeling grateful for the gift of motherhood.

She knew that there would be more tough moments in the future, but she was ready to face them with love and patience. She had the best team in the galaxy - her family - and together, they could do anything.

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