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2 years later

Luke and Leia are now 14. They have nearly mastered all ways of the force. Have a lot of knowledge on the dark side, helping Luke over come him fear of it. Today Anakin is teaching Luke and Leia how to wield a lightsaber and how to properly use one.

Anakin Skywalker stood in front of Luke and Leia, holding two lightsabers in his hands. He had taught them many things in the past, but today he was going to teach them how to wield and use a lightsaber. "Are you ready to learn?" Anakin asked, holding out one of the lightsabers to Luke. Luke nodded eagerly, taking the lightsaber from Anakin's hand. He had seen his fathers lightsaber many times before, but he had never held one himself.

Anakin began to show Luke how to hold the lightsaber correctly, how to move it with precision and control. He showed him how to deflect blaster bolts with the blade, and how to use the Force to enhance his movements. Leia watched intently as Anakin taught Luke, eager to learn herself. Anakin saw the look in her eyes and smiled, knowing that she was ready to learn as well. "Leia, come here," Anakin said, holding out the second lightsaber to her. Leia took the lightsaber from Anakin's hand, holding it with both hands. She watched as Luke continued to practise his movements, and she could feel the energy of the lightsaber coursing through her. Anakin began to teach Leia the same things that he had taught Luke, showing her how to hold the lightsaber correctly and how to move it with precision. He showed her how to use the Force to enhance her movements, and how to deflect blaster bolts with the blade.

As their training continued, Anakin taught Luke and Leia more advanced techniques, such as how to use the lightsaber to disarm opponents, how to perform acrobatic moves, and how to use the Force to manipulate their surroundings. Luke and Leia were quick learners, and they were eager to master everything that Anakin taught them. They trained for hours every day, honing their skills and perfecting their movements. Anakin watched with pride as his two young apprentices grew stronger and more skilled with each passing day. He knew that they were destined for greatness, and he was honoured to be a part of their journey.

Padme watched with a smile as Luke and Leia practised their lightsaber techniques under the watchful eye of their teacher, Anakin. She was amazed at how quickly the two young Jedi were learning, and she felt a sense of pride at the sight of them.

As she watched, Padme was joined by her sister, Sola. The two women stood side by side, watching as Luke and Leia continued to train. "They're both so talented," Padme said, her voice filled with admiration. Sola nodded in agreement. "They're just like their father," she said. Padme looked at her sister, a happy expression on her face. "He has been teaching them so much for the past ten years," she said softly. Padme looked back at Luke and Leia, who were now engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel. She couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism at the sight of them. And with that, the two sisters continued to watch as Luke and Leia trained, feeling a sense of pride and hope at the sight of the two young Jedi.

Anakin decided to test Luke and Leia's skills by having them face off against each other in a lightsaber duel. The two siblings stood facing each other, their lightsabers ignited and ready for battle. The duel was intense, with Luke and Leia exchanging blows and parries with lightning-fast speed. Anakin watched in awe as his two apprentices battled it out, impressed by their skill and determination. The duel was a draw, with neither Luke nor Leia emerging as the clear winner. Anakin smiled, knowing that his two young apprentices were evenly matched.

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