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I'VE ALWAYS KNOWN who my father was. My mother made a point not to hide it from me. Still...sometimes I wish she had.

There's this never ending growing curiosity inside me that needs to know more. Why? Why did he do it?

Why did Mickey Altieri become a serial killer?? I've been following all the ghost face killings ever since I was old enough to understand them.

All of them revolve around one girl: Sidney Prescott. It started with Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. Sidneys Boyfriend who wanted revenge for his mother abandoning him and Billy's best friend who weirdly enough, had no motive.

Then my dad teams up with Billy's fucking mom, to mess with her again. They say my father wanted to get caught. Nancy Loomis wasn't all too happy about that and double crossed him. She wanted revenge for her sons death.

Then Sidney's half brother decided to take on the role of ghost face all by himself, seeking revenge for their mother not wanting him. How pathetic. Turns out he was the one who gave Billy Loomis his motive. Showed him proof of Billy's dad and Sidney's mom having an affair.

Don't even get me started on the absurdity of the next people who decide to put on the mask; Charlie and Jill. Charlie wanted his crush to love him but when she didn't he decided to kill her. Talk about fucked up. Jill, Sidney's cousin, did it solely for the fame. She was gonna frame Sidney and make herself out to be the victim.

And finally the last ghost face killing. This one actually didn't revolve around Sidney. Apparently Billy Loomis had a daughter and she was ghost face's new target. Her Boyfriend, Richie, and her half sisters best friend, Amber wanted to make their own scary movie. Psychotic weirdos.

So now here I am in New York, running away from my abusive Uncle who took custody of me when my mother died from cancer.

Two years of abuse from that asshole and I'm finally free.

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