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IT WAS CHAOS the next day. Ethan and I woke up to about fifty missed calls from Mindy, Tara, Chad, and Jasmine. Apparently ghost face attacked them in their apartment last night.

That's how Ethan and I found ourselves walking into a crime scene where everyone looked at us in suspicion.

Ethan made the mistake of trying to ask if Chad's okay, leading to him being slammed into a van. "Where we're you?!" Chad yells, pissing me off.

"What the hell dude, let him go!!" I shout angrily at him.

"Don't even get me started on you." He says, turning to me angrily. "You two were both MIA when ghost face attacked, so where the fuck were you?!!"

"We had Econ class together! You know this!" Ethan exclaims.

"Bullshit man!" Chad yells as he slams Ethan into the van again.

Alright, that's it. I pull Chad off of Ethan and punch him hard in the face, causing him to stumble down to the ground. "It's fine Ethan, they want to know where we were? I'll tell them." I say and Ethan hesitantly nods. "We were at our apartment, fucking. You happy now??"

I don't think Ethan was expecting me to put it that bluntly because he's now a very amusing shade of red. Chad, Mindy, and Jasmine all stare at us wide eyed.

"Aww man, my gaydar's broken." Mindy complains. "Wait...you don't look surprised." She notices, looking at Tara. "Why don't you look surprised?!"

Tara looks at me with a smirk and I glare back. "Don't you fucking dare." I seethe.

Of course she doesn't listen. "When we had sex, Emmett said Ethan's name."

"Fuck you, Tara." I spit, as my cheeks change colour. I can't even look at Ethan right now. Everyone else is trying really hard not to laugh...except for Chad. Chad just finds this so fucking hysterical.

"Oh my god." Ethan breaks the silence and I follow his gaze over to two covered dead bodies. "Who?"

"Anika...and Quinn." Chad says.

I look over at Mindy who's expression falls at the mention of her dead girlfriend. "Shit Mindy are you—"

"Step the fuck back." She tells me coldly. "You're number one on my suspect list. Both of you." She directs towards Ethan and I, creating an awkward silence.

"I'll be right back." Tara says, walking towards her sister who is now face to face with detective Bailey, aka Quinn's dad. That shouldn't be awkward at all.

"So..." Ethan trails off, looking at me expectantly. "Are we gonna talk about last night? I mean cause it was kind of my first time and this whole situation kind of robbed us of the chance to talk about it." Ethan rambles. He's so cute.

"What's to talk about?" I ask. "You like me, I like you, we fucked...boom! A relationship was born." I emphasize dramatically.

He chuckles nervously. "Yeah but like—I mean, are we...?"

I ruffle his soft hair and give him a peck on the cheek. "Yes, we are."

He smiles brightly.

"Oh my god, is that Gale Weathers??" I whisper to Ethan. He shrugs, reminding me that he's never seen the Stab movies before. "Shit. She kind of knew my father...and not in a good way." I tell him.

"Then let's go." He says. "Before she she's us."

I nod and he takes my hand, leading me away from the crime scene until...

"Emmett Altieri." Gale's voice echoes behind us. I turn around to see her staring at me with a raised eyebrow. "What? You thought I wasn't gonna look in to the person who tried to kill me?"

I cringe at her words. She has a good point.

Some other guy who looks strangely familiar to me walks up behind gale. "Are we going to do this or not?" He asks her.

"Oh yes, how could I forget." She looks between the guy and me, smiling smugly. "Dorian, this is Emmett Altieri." She introduces and Dorian's face turns white.

"Wait...Dorian Riley??" I question. "As in..."

"My uncle Dorian." Chad interrupts, walking up to us. Oh no, this is bad.

"Your Mickey's son??" Dorian questions in disbelief, tears welling in his eyes.

"I uhh...yeah." I answer. "And you were his...lover?" I ask, remembering the video I was sent.

Dorian's eyes widen slightly with something akin to hope shining bright in them. "Your mother mentioned me?"

I frown, hating that I have to be the one to burst his bubble. "Uhh no, ghost face sent me this video." I say, showing him the old video I was sent.

The tears roll down his cheek with every second the video plays and I almost wish I hadn't showed it to him at all.

"Your mother was a bitch." He says, finally and I laugh humourlessly.

"I never knew much about her past." I explain. "She always seemed so nice but she was never around to prove it...and then she died and everything jus—"

"What?" He asks and I immediately realize my mistake. He probably had no idea that she died. "Is she...oh my god." He breathes.

"I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that, I wasn't thinking, I—"

He pulls me into a hug suddenly and I stare over at Ethan who just shrugs, equally as confused as I am. "Uhh, Uncle Dorian??" Chad questions. "Why are you hugging ghost face?!?"

Much to my happiness, Dorian ignores Chad. "I want to tell you everything." He says. "And I promise you I will, but first Gale has to show you all something."


"WHAT IS IT?" Ethan asks curiously as we walk through the old theatre.

"Remember Jason and Greg?" Gale asks. "Well, it turns out they were a little too obsessed with the movies. I found a whole shrine dedicated to the nine ghost faces." She explains and I share a glance with Dorian.

"Lovely." I say before walking towards my fathers ghost face costume. Some unexplainable force is pulling me towards it...it's almost like he's calling out to me.

The thought that I could end up like him is scarier than any other outcome I could imagine.

"He wasn't the bad guy everyone made him out to be." Dorians voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused by his statement.

"I need to tell you why your father became ghostface." He says.

Oh. This conversation.

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