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AS MUCH AS I want to, I don't grab the phone from Tara and start to demand answers. That doesn't stop Detective Bailey from giving me some, though.

"There was one part of the plan Ethan wasn't aware of." He says. "The part where he became a liability."

He wouldn't. That's his own son.

"Ethan fell in love and he really thought that he was smart enough to double cross us...but he wasn't. We knew from the moment he made up his mind. We knew he had to die, whether it be at the hands of Tara, or at the hands of his own sister."

"You're gonna pay for what you did, you monster!! Ethan didn't deserve a family like you!!" I shout into the phone, before taking it and hiding behind one of the teared movie screens.

"Now you know the truth. Now you both know that murder runs in the Loomis and Altieri bloodlines. You can't run from it." He rants on, making me want to slit his throat.

Two shots ring out and I can tell that Detective Bailey is getting restless. "Stop fucking around and show yourselves!!" he yells.

"Be careful what you wish for." I reply.

"I'm a fucking police officer!!" He shouts. "How do you think this is gonna go? Who do you think they're gonna believe, huh!??"

"Probably the one who's still alive." I tell him coldly as I stick my head out from behind the movie screen. I see Sam do the same on the opposite side of me.

Sam and I share a quick nod before we both run towards Detective Bailey, knives raised, and impale him on either side.

His screams fill the theatre as I smirk viciously to myself. I pull the knife out from his body and Sam does the same. The feeling of anger doesn't go away, so I stab him again. Then I do it again. I lose track of how many times my knife goes through his body but by the end of it, he's dead.

Me, Sam, Tara, and Jasmine all take a seat on the steps, exhausted.

"Thank you for letting me go." Tara tells Sam quietly.

Sam just looks at her. "I knew you could take care of yourself." She replies.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark, Jasmine." I tell her, since we're all opening up to each other now.

She shakes her head. "No, I should be the sorry one." She says. "You don't have to tell me everything, and I understand that you loved him. I'm sure he loved you back." She says and I smile slightly.

"I think he did."

Suddenly, Quinn comes charging around the corner like a maniac with her knife raised high. "Should've went for the head, mother fuckers!!"

As she charges at us I raise my knife in defence and as soon as she's close enough, I stab her right in the head, killing her on the spot. "Take that, bitch!!" I shout and turn back to the others, smiling proudly.

It doesn't take long for my smile to drop. "Jasmine?" I whisper, not believing my eyes. How could this happen?

As I take in Jasmines appearance, I feel my whole body tremble. Tara catches her in her arms just as she begins to fall.

"No, come on Jas, stay with me!" Tara shouts and I crumble next to her. Quinn got her. Quinn got to her before I could kill her. I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see the knife sticking out of her chest.

"Emmett, Ethan loved you." Jasmine whispers to me. "Ethan loved you and I know this because he looks at you the same way I look at Tara...and I love Tara." She says, directing that last part towards Tara.

Tara just sobs as she holds Jasmine closer. "I love you so much, Tara...and Sam, you've become like a big sister to me." She cries, trying not to show her pain, but I know. I'll always know.

"Emmett." She whispers. "Ethan was right." She says. I can hear her uneven breaths. "You are the final boy."

Her hand falls from mine and she goes perfectly still.

No. Jasmine.


TARA, SAM AND I all watch as Kirby gets rolled into the ambulance. "You ever need me, call me." She tells the three of us. "We're all part of the same fucked up family now, and legacy doesn't always have to be a bad thing, kay?"

Tara starts crying and we all look at her in concern. "It just—Jasmine." She whimpers and I wrap her in my arms.

"And Chad." I whisper, remembering the boy who risked it all for our safety. The boy who died at the hands of my psychotic boyfriend.

"Hey, we got another one over here!" Someone yells and we all turn to see Chad strapped to a gurney.

I rush up to his side and he just looks at me, unable to speak. "I'm so relieved you're alive." I tell him.

He gives me a funny look, knowing that we never really did get along.

Tara and Sam run up behind me and Chad looks at Tara, holding up four fingers. She just laughs. "Core fucking four." She breathes out, but then Chad looks at me and holds up two more fingers.

"He's right." Tara says to me. "You and Jasmine are just as much apart of this family now. Even if Jasmine isn't..." She sniffles and I bring her into another hug.

"It's okay, Tara." I tell her. "She loved you so much and I'm sure she's looking down on us right now, happy to know that you're still here. That you're alive." I tell her.

She nods and wipes her tears away, just as Mindy rushes over to us. "I got here as fast as I could." She says. "I know who the killer is. It's Ethan and Bailey."

"And Quinn." Sam adds.

"And Quinn??" Mindy questions, out of breath. "Aw man, did I miss the monologue again??"

She then notices Chad's appearance. "Wait, are you okay?" She then looks to Tara, Sam and I. "Are you okay? You don't look okay. Oh my god, we all survived. Wait, where's Jasmine?" She asks, making Tara frown. "Oh no, Tara, Emmett, I am so sorry. They gave me a lot of drugs by the way." She says as she hops in the ambulance with Chad.

It's really over.

FINAL BOY || Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now