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"IS THIS REALLY a good plan?" Ethan asks skeptically. He still hasn't said anything about my accidental love bomb earlier.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Tara fires back, clearly agitated.

Ethan just scoffs in return. "So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? No thank you."

"Let's just get to the theatre." Sam interrupts. "Come on. In here." She says, heading towards one of the subway cars.

"Ah, yes." Chad chimes in sarcastically, making my eyes roll. "Because it'll be much less scary in a serial killer movie theatre."

Cute boy, whose name I still haven't learned, ushers us all into the subway car without even checking to make sure everyone is there. That's not suspicious at all.

"Wait, where's Mindy?" Sam asks Chad.

"She missed the train. I was gonna wait for her but cute boy over here dragged me on." He says.

"I was trying to keep us together." He defends.

"By pulling us apart?" Tara fires back.

Wait a second..."guys, where's Ethan??" I question worriedly.

"It's fine, guys. Mindy and Ethan are together. They'll meet us there." Chad reassures. He then looks around the car for a moment before cursing under his breath.

We all look up to see the cause of his panic and I almost wish I hadn't. Everyone on the subway is dressed up for Halloween in a variation of serial killer costumes, including ghost face.

Suddenly the car feels smaller and the air feels thicker.

"How many stops do we have?" Tara asks her sister.

Sam looks over at the map quickly before returning to her normal posture with a frown. "Ten."

As we reach one of the stops, one of the people in the ghost face costumes stands towards us, staring directly at Sam. As soon as the car starts moving again, the person in the costume is nowhere to be found.

We all stand on the train, too scared to move out of fear that ghost face will appear.

Our fears become reality when the car stops again and the same ghost face from before is heading right towards us. "Guys." Sam warns nervously.

Everyone's attention turns to the ghost face as he nears closer and cute boy moves in front of us all, acting as some kind of shield.

The ghost face then turns the corner and exits the car. We all let out a breathe. That was close.

Too close.


AFTER TWENTY or so missed calls to Ethan, I get a notification on my phone. It's a text message from the same unknown number that ghost face called me with.

I open my messages to see another video waiting for me. My finger hovers over the play button hesitantly before pressing down on it.

"I have to kill your mother little one." My father says to the camera. "She's manipulative and abusive and if she lives, I'm scared she'll hurt you too."

He pulls out a needle with some kind of substance in it. "I stole this from a hospital. It's a sedative." He admits, making me gasp. "I know what I'm doing is wrong but I hope one day you can forgive me." He says as he injects the substance into a piece of cheesy bread. "These cheese breads always were your moms favourite."

"You're gonna hear things about me." He warns. "Things like I killed people for the fame, or I murdered innocents cause I was bored, but the truth is that I did it all for the love of my life: Dorian Riley. I hope that one day you find someone you would kill for, but I also hope that you turn out nothing like me."

I feel tears falling down my eyes as he continues.

"Im not gonna make it my little boy." He says with wet cheeks. "I'll probably be killed and deemed as a murderer for as long as this event will be remembered for, but I want—no, I need you to know that I love you very much." He finishes and the video cuts out.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself as I wipe the tears off my face.

Suddenly my phone rings. I pick it up.

"Hello, Emmett." Ghost face taunts. "What's your favourite scary movie?"

"Real original." I scoff as I walk towards my fathers old knife and pick it up, ready to defend myself. "Why don't you come on out and show yourself?"

"How's your boyfriend?" He asks, ignoring my question.

My blood runs cold. "I swear to god, if you touch one hair on Ethan's head, I will end you."

He just chuckles darkly. "So worried about the boy you fell in love with...aren't you worried about history repeating itself, Emmett?" There's a long pause. "Aren't you worried that you and Ethan will end up like Mickey and Dorian did?"

A hand on my shoulder makes me jump. "It's just me." Jasmine reassures. "Emmett, what's going on?" She asks me and I look to my phone only to realize that ghost face had hung up on me.

"Ghost face called me." I confess, making her eyes widen. "I think we should—"

Suddenly, Sam, Tara and Chad run up to us through the door. "It's Kirby!!" Sam shouts.

Holy shit.

"Over there!" Jasmine shouts, pointing to a ladder. "Maybe it leads to the roof or something." She suggests.

"Only one way to find out." Chad says and we all head towards the ladder.

We don't make it far before ghost face jumps out at us, slashing his knife around. He swipes at Chad but he ducks making the knife slice through a mannequin head instead. "Beheadings!" Chad shouts, and if I weren't so damn terrified right now, I'd probably laugh at his stupidity.

He tackles ghost face down to the ground and we all run in the opposite direction. Ghost face tries to get back up but Chad picks up an old vintage camera and swings it at the killer. "Smile for the camera, mother fucker!!" He shouts, and the camera bashes into the killer's skull.

We find a door that leads to the theatre lobby and run towards it while Chad keeps throwing things at ghost face in an attempt to slow him down.

"Chad, look out!!" I shout.


FINAL BOY || Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now