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I THINK I'M having the emotional equivalent to a hard on right now. I mean Ethan's just staring at me nervously, waiting for me to say something, but what do I say?

Okay, this is my chance. I got to say something totally sexy that'll sweep him off his feet.

"Oh, me too." Me too?!? Cue the internal face palm. What the fuck is wrong with me??

"Cool." He says awkwardly as we reach our apartment. Oh lord and saviour Ryan Reynolds, help us now in our time of need.

We both step inside and he makes his way over to his bag and starts filling it with papers and textbooks. "Wait...you actually have Econ??" I ask him.

He hesitates before answering me. "Well, yeah..."

"You should skip." I suggest. I'm such a bad influence. "You could hang out here with me and we could watch a movie or talk or something."

He looks from his bag and back up to me skeptically. "Well...yeah, okay. I just need to make a quick call." He says and I nod in understanding. He's probably getting someone to cover for him.

He leaves the room to make his call as I plop down on the couch, wondering what the fuck I was thinking when I asked him to stay. I don't know what to say to him. Although, I guess if we watched a movie we wouldn't have to say much.

He comes back and sits next to me on the couch, causing my heart to race. "Okay, so what are we doing?" He asks.

"We could watch a movie?" I suggest. "Your choice." I say and he smiles. He grabs the remote and decides to put on XMen: First Class.

My mouth opens in shock. "No way! I'm obsessed with the XMen series." I tell him excitedly and he smiles back at me.

"Who's your favourite character on the count of three! one, two, three."



We say at the same time. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Though I admit Magneto is fine as fuck, there is no way he could ever compete with Wolverine." I protest. "The man's a sex symbol!"

"Okay, hold up!" Ethan says. "Wolverine is sexy, sure, but Magneto is way more powerful. I mean he fucking controls metal! Wolverine is made out of metal!!"

We both stare at each other intensely before bursting out into laughter. "We are such nerds!" I manage to get out in between laughs.

Ethan nods his head in agreement and presses play on the movie. As we both start to calm down, the intro plays, capturing all our attention.

Somewhere at the end of the movie, during the scene where Magneto lifts the submarine, I can feel Ethan shift closer. By the end credits, he's so close that his leg is pressed up against mine.

He turns to me, our faces almost touching. "Now what?" He asks. I don't answer. I'm too busy getting lost in his eyes. There so pretty. Usually brown eyes are really boring and basic but not his. His eyes are a golden brown colour that sparkles against the sunlight.

"Emme—umpph!" He gets cut off by my lips impulsively smashing against his. However, it only takes a second for him to react, kissing me back.

He swipes his tongue between my lips, asking for entry. I give it to him. The fireworks in my stomach have yet to cease.

Something dominant with in me takes control and straddles Ethan's lap as I pull away for air. "You're mine now." I tell him and I swear I can feel him shivering beneath me. "No one else's, just mine."

He nods his head eager for me to kiss him again. "Say it." I tell him.

"I'm yours, Emmett." He moans as I grind up on him. "Fuck, I'm yours."

I smile down at him. "How would you like to not die a virgin?" I say and he blushes cutely.

"Please." He begs.

So I pick him up and throw him on my bed before getting on top of him. I go to get a condom but then freeze. "Shit! I don't have any lube or protection...have you been tested?" I ask and he nods. "Okay great, me too. But what about—"

"I got this." Ethan reassures me before switching our positions and taking both our clothes off.

"I don't get it. How is this gonna—oh!"

My dick is in his mouth. My dick is in his mouth and it feels so good. His tongue swirls around the tip, making me tremble with pleasure. "Fuck, Ethan!" I moan.

Once my dick is all wet, he pops it out of his mouth and I lay him down. "You know, for a virgin you're pretty good at that." I say lustfully. He says nothing, seemingly nervous. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask just in case.

"Yes." He tells me firmly. "More sure than I've ever been."

That's all I need to hear as I line myself up with his entrance and slowly ease inside of him. He groans in a mix between pain and pleasure. "Please." He wines. "Faster."

I immediately obey, thrusting at a normal pace now. "Fuck Ethan, you take me so well." I moan.

"Emmett, please." He groans. "Please Emmett, harder."

I pick up the pace as I ram into him over and over eliciting sweet moans. "Emmett, I'm gonna cum." He grits out, trying to hold back.

I can feel myself reaching my own climax as he says that. "Don't hold back baby, cum for me."

He moans out my name as he cums all over the sheets, only a few seconds before I cum inside of him.

We both collapse next to each other in the bed, breathing heavily. "Wow." Ethan pants and I can't help but nod my head in agreement.

"That was the best sex I've ever had." I admit, making Ethan blush. "You know this isn't just a fuck though, right?" I ask him, worried that that's all this is to him. "I genuinely like you Ethan."

He looks at me for a long time with an unreadable emotion. "Me too." He admits softly.

I smile and fall asleep cuddled in his arms, wondering why when he admitted to liking me, he seemed so...


FINAL BOY || Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now