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MINDY SURE DOESN'T hold back in dramatics. Like ever. Seriously, this girl should be in acting.

"Any of us could go at any time...especially Sam and Tara." She finishes talking. Finally.

"W-wait, any of us?" Ethan questions looking slightly pale. Mindy nods. "Does-am, am I in the friend group? Am I one of the targets?" Mindy keeps affirming all his questions.

Ethan just sits in silence for a moment and then, "am I gonna die a virgin?" My eyes widen at his weird but strangely arousing confession.

Everyone else gives him a strange look. "That was a weird overshare, but it brings us to our current suspects..." Mindy trails off as she strolls in Ethan's direction.

"Ethan! The shy and dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky." She accuses.

"Okay wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate??" He defends. He looks so cute when he's flustered. There's no way someone that cute could be a murderer.

"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us." She says before turning her attention to the redhead who's name I can't remember.

"Quinn." Oh yeah, that was her name. "The slutty roommate. A horror movie—" she cuts herself off with a chefs kiss. "—classic."

"Sex positive." Quinn replies. "But...thank you?"

"Mhm, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asks her.

Quinn just looks confused...too confused. Almost as if she is trying to be confused. "I answered their ad online?"

"Okay! Say no more, you've already implicated yourself enough!" Mindy exclaims. What the fuck is wrong with this chick?

"It was an anonymous ad, Mindy." Tara jumps in, defending Quinn. "Plus you know we vetted her and her dad is a cop—"

"—making it more likely that she is the killer because having a cop dad is a great cover!! Do you not remember how these movies work Tara?!!" She yells.

Seriously, what does she drink in her coffee??

"Then we have Emmett!" Oh fuck. "The most obvious suspect if you ask me considering he is the son of a serial killer, but yet again so is Sam and we all love Sam." Mindy says, sending Sam a wink over her shoulder.

"However, despite your family ties, you're the recluse who keeps everything private and acts like an asshole." Mindy goes on and I really want to punch her. "Sounds suspicious to me."

"Is she always like this?" I hear Quinn whisper to Sam. She just nods in return.

"And finally, Anika." She smiles at her girlfriend who blows her a kiss. Mindy smiles and sends her a kiss back, before Mindy's expression turns serious. "Never trust the love interest." Anika's smile falls.

"Okay." Sam cuts in. "So we have our rules and we have our suspects..."

Um excuse me?? Ethan must be thinking what I am cause he interjects, copying my thoughts exactly.

"Wait wait wait, what about you guys?" He questions and I nod in agreement.

"I mean I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro." She comments annoyingly and I scoff.

"Agreed." Chad says with a smile. God I wanna rip that smile right off his face.

"Um not agreed." Quinn backs up Ethan. "What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?"

"Exactly." I chime in. "I mean for all we know it could be some douche bag jock with an enormous ego." I direct my comment towards Chad.

"You're a fucking—" Chad gets up to attack me but Tara pulls him back down.

I chuckle humourlessly. "So vulgar!" I shout. "And you have the audacity to claim you're not a suspect?!" Chad says nothing so I sit back down on the bench, next to Ethan.

They continue talking but all I can focus on is how close Ethan is to me right now. Fuck! Even in times of crisis I still find a way to gay panic.

"Okay!" Mindy announces. "So, for safety in numbers we should all stay at Sam, Tara, and Quinn's place tonight."

They all agree and get up to leave except for me and Ethan. "Wait! Guys I can't." He says. "I've got Econ."

I see through his lie but one look at Chad and I know there's no way in hell I'm spending the night with him. "Yeah, me too." I lie. Ethan looks at me in confusion but doesn't say anything. "Me and Ethan can go together so we won't be alone."

Tara sends a smirk my way, knowing that I'm totally into Ethan. Fucking hell, she's definitely gonna hold that over me.

"Fine, but be careful." Mindy warns and we both nod simultaneously before walking away.

"Why'd you lie?" Ethan asks me as soon as we're alone.

I roll my eyes at the question. "If it wasn't dead obvious, Chad and I don't exactly get along." I tell him.

He nods in understanding. "So what are you really gonna do?" He asks me.

I shrug, unsure of the answer myself. "Maybe I'll go out and fuck some chicks." I say, laughing internally at the thought of me fucking a chick after what happened last time.

Ethan's jaw clenched unexpectedly at my remark. "So I guess what happened with you and Tara was just..."

Oh. Oh. He likes Tara. I feel my heart drop. What is so special about this kid that's actually making me jealous right now??

"Look, Tara and I were drunk and messing around but that doesn't mean she's available. I mean, her and Chad are practically eye fucking on a daily basis." I explain, trying to break it to him gently.

"Oh." He says, not looking as disappointed as I thought he would. "So are you with Jasmine then?"

I stare at this kid in disbelief. Is he actually tryna get with my lesbian best friend after I told him that Tara was unavailable??!

"Ethan, I swear to god. you can't just jump from one girl to another. They'll think your using them as a rebound." I say and his eyes widen slightly. "Also it's rude."

"No! That's not—I mean I'm—fuck!" He stumbles over his words. "Emmet, I'm gay."


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