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MY EYES OPEN slowly, trying to get accustomed to the bright light of the room I'm in. Wait...room? That doesn't make any sense. The last time I was conscious I was outside on the pavement surrounded by a soothing voice-

The voice. Someone must have brought me here. My eyes snap open and connect with the ceiling of...my bedroom? How did they get the key to my apartment?

"Probably cause it's also their apartment." Ethan's voice causes me to snap out of my daydream.

"Wait, how did you?—"

"You we're thinking out loud." He says, answering my unasked question. He gives me a cute smile and it takes everything in me not to swoon. Damn this boy.

"Come on." He says. "I made you breakfast but we have to get going soon. Mindy wants to meet us on campus in half an hour."

I stare at him in confusion. Why is he being so nice to me? I haven't exactly returned the favour.

As if sensing my confusion, he turns to me with his eyebrows cutely scrunched up in thought. "What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing." I mumble with a little shrug before getting up and walking over to the plate of eggs Ethan has laid out for me on the kitchen table.

He doesn't prod which is unexpected but very welcome. Still, there's this feeling pulling at my gut like I need to know his intentions.

"Um, actually there is something..." I tell him and he looks at me, urging me to go on. "I uh...well, I just don't understand why you're being nice to me." I confess.

His face morphs into one of understanding before he smiles slightly. "Look, you may think you're a coldhearted asshole with no soul, and you may have even convinced Chad of it, but I see through your act. You want me and everyone else to look away from you but it's too late. I see you, Emmett." He says and I'm stunned into silence.

There's this weird fluttering feeling in my stomach. Ew. Feelings. I shiver at the realization that I actually have normal human emotions.

I clear my throat awkwardly and look down at my now empty plate, with red cheeks. Fuck. I never blush. Is that what this is? Am I blushing?

"You done?" He asks and I nod. He takes my plate and puts it in the sink before turning around to face me. "Alright well, we should head out. Mindy and everyone are probably waiting for us."

I nod my head silently, not knowing how to speak all of the sudden.

We arrive at the benches near campus after a long awkward walk. "There you two are!!" Mindy shouts. "I'm explaining the rules!!"

"The rules?" I question cluelessly. Mindy gives me a look that says 'are you dumb?' Before further explaining.

"The horror movie rules! They're different this time because we're now in the requel. It's the sequel to a reboot." She explains way too enthusiastically considering the situation.

My heart drops. "Nonononono, absolutely not!" I shout. "I am not apart of this movie or whatever it is and neither is Jasmine!" I say, motioning to my best friend who was apparently also dragged here.

"Emmett man, you're a suspect so you can't really just bleep out of the movie." Mindy explains.

I'm about to argue but Chad cuts me off. "She has a point Altieri." He says, making my blood run cold.

Mindy's eyes widen in shock. Of course she knows that last name. My father literally dated her uncle.

I drag Chad and Mindy away by their arms. "Hey dude, get your hands off me—"

"Shut up, Chad!!" Mindy and I shout at the same time.

"How did you find out?!" I seethe. "Tell me how!!"

I feel like my thoughts are running at 100 miles per hour because I can't seem to separate them from my emotions as I punch Chad in the face. I guess now we're even.

"You're related to Mickey Altieri?!" Mindy whispers loudly in disbelief.

"You can't tell anyone." I whisper. "No one can know, you hear me? This is exactly why I was trying to avoid you people! Anything to do with ghost face or my father, I want nothing apart of."

No one says anything...then, "I was suspicious of you." Chad grits out. "You seemed like bad news so I looked you up online and I found nothing...so I got Quinn to contact her dad to find out who the hell you are." He admits.

Quinn and Officer Bailey know?! Quinn helped snoop on me?!! What the actual fuck?!! Wait...

"...If Chad, Quinn and Bailey were the only ones who knew Mickey was my father—"

"He's your father?!!" Mindy shouts. "Holy fuck! I just thought you were cousins or something. Wow." Chad and I both send her a glare. "Right, sorry. Shutting up."

"If you three were the only ones who knew about my father then that means that it had to be one of you three who called me and sent me that video, meaning one of you three are ghost face." I accuse Chad.

My accusation only makes him angry. "Fuck you! This could all be some fucked up story to make yourself seem like the victim!! How do we know you're not ghost face?!After all, it runs in your fucking family!!" He shouts and I flinch.

It shouldn't hurt as much as it does...but still.

Sam stands up from where she's sitting, looking hurt at Chad. "Runs in the family, huh?" She questions bitterly.

His facial expression drops. "Wait Sam, I didn't mean you, I just—"

"No! This is bullshit!" Jasmine stands up this time and walks towards me angrily. "You!" She seethes with so much venom I'm sure I will melt. "We've been friends for years and you never told me!?"

"And you." She accuses, looking at Chad in disgust. "How dare you bring that up with him?!! It's clearly not a subject that he wants to talk abo—"

"Guys!!" Mindy interrupts, and I believe it's the hundredth time someone has cut someone off. "You can fight all you want afterwards, but if you guys wanna survive, then for Uncle Randy's sake, let me finish the goddamn rules!!!"

Damn, Mindy.

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