chapter seven.

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A's pov:

Rosé slowly opened her eyes and saw taehyung sitting on his knees. He was holding her hand as he layed on her side of the bed on the floor.

It looks like he slept on the floor while waiting for her to wakeup. A smile appeared on her face. Taehyung was truly one of her favourite people in the world.

"Tae?" She softly mumbled trying to wake him up but she decided to let him rest for sometime. He may be tired and besides that, she has no idea about how many days have passed.

From the way her head is aching she's sure she have been sleeping for atleast a day - so taehyung must be really tired.

She noticed that there wasn't an oxygen mask on her face anymore. She kept staring at taehyung with an admiring smile.

His face features looked more better when he was softly closing his eyes as he slept. He looked so cute that she wanted to pinch his cheeks.

Just as she was admiring him everything came back to her mind and she wished that she forgot everything - she wished that she had a memory loss and would remember no moment that had Jaehyun in it.

She loved him as much as she hated him for everything he has done to her. Now that one thing was clear he never loved her, her mind kept telling her that but her heart kept lying to her. Her heart kept telling to her to hold on.

Her Heart kept giving her hopes that Jaehyun loved her. He never did. He was a monster who used her for revenge.

She stared at the white walls of the hospital room and kept complicating things - she kept thinking about life. She wants to end it all now. It just hurts so freaking much that she doesn't want to hold on anymore.

Taehyung slowly started opening his eyes and when he saw that Rosé was awake a huge smile appeared on his face and he hugged her quickly. She hugged him back.

"Oh thank God, I almost thought I lost you, Rosie. It was terrible." He mumbled in a slow voice but enough for her to hear that he had to say.

She hugged him back tightly as he buried his head on the crook of her neck and smelled her beautiful addicting scent.

He moved away because the scent was doing things to him.

"The doctor said you need to take rest for a week, then you will be discharged and I'll take you to home. My home." He told her.

"What do you mean my h-" before she could even speak he pulled the stool that was inches away from him and sat Infront of her with a serious look in his eyes.

"My home. I don't want you to go to your apartment, you need to take care of your mental health sometime. If you live alone you will have weird thoughts that can cause you to do dumb things and if you stay with me. I'll try my best to take care of you, I will go out with you, we will enjoy and I'll try my best to make you forget every bad thing that has ever happened."

He told her with a beautiful smile on his face but the expressions on her face changed. "But-" she took a pause. "But won't I live with Jaehyun?" She asked in an innocent voice but it triggered the little demon inside taehyung.

"What do you mean, Park? You will go back to him? Seriously him? Are you kidding me!" He yelled at her with veins shining on his neck as he felt frustrated.

"But- we didn't breakup." She told me and I shut my eyes for some seconds to control my anger. I need to control myself Infront of her. I can't hurt her..

"When will you understand for fuck's sake Rosie?!" He yelled and then calmed himself down.

"Do you know what he said to me when I told him that you're in hospital? He said he didn't give a fuck and he said terrible things. You still want to go back to him?" He said with so much pain in his eyes.

Tears started pouring down on her cheeks hearing these words from him.

He didn't care? He didn't give a fuck? She felt her heart breaking as tears kept pouring down her cheeks and Taehyung stood up from his stool. He wiped the tears off her face.

“if another tear falls on your cheek and he’s the reason I'm going to kill him.”

Taehyung said with tears threatening to fall as his grip on chaeyoung's hand tightened. He caressed her cheek softly as she cried while holding onto his shirt.

"it makes me wanna go to him, Rosé. I want to go to him and punch him so hard that he dies. I want to kill him with my bare hands because he can't value a precious diamond like you." he said as he sobbed while saying those words.

"I know. I know. He's not wrong, Kim trust me. Please. It's me who's wrong. He already told me that I could leave. I'm the one who choose to stay." She said as she cried. He slowly kissed her forehead as more tears made their way out of his eyes.

"Stop blaming yourself, Park. He always gave you hopes." He said as he looked at her with nothing but pure love in his eyes.

He had always loved her. Always. She was just too dumb to not notice it. Whenever he laughed, she was the reason. Whenever he cried, she was the reason.

She was the only person who made him feel emotions — otherwise he was emotionless for everyone else in his life except her.

Everyone knew that he had fallen for her except her.

But right now, seeing her on the hospital head for a men who didn't deserve a bit of her love. He felt anger. He felt frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it.

He wanted to go to the guy who was the reason of her sadness — and kill him but she was the only one who was holding him back.

If he killed Jaehyun. She will die too it was a bitter fact that he knew for sure. She just fell so much for the guy who didn't deserve love.

"Accept the truth, park. He never loved you. He just pretended to love you. If he ever loved you he would be here right beside you." He tried to spit out the truth to her but she was just too stupid to understand the truth.

He felt shocked when she shook her head again.

"I love him so much, Kim. It's just so hard to admit that he never loved me. He showed love towards me. He was the one who proposed me first. He was the one who bought me flowers and proposed me Infront of the Eiffel tower. He was the guy who made me shocked that love really exists."

She said with a heavy heart. She just needed to accept the truth and everything would be fine but that was the problem. She only trusted him.

"He's the same guy who cheated on you on your first anniversary, infact, he cheated on you just after one week of proposing you. He couldn't even stay loyal with you for a week, Park. Accept the truth, he can't love anyone. Jung Jaehyun is a monster."

He knew these words would hurt her but sometimes getting hurt is good for you. She needed to realize how bad Jaehyun really was— once she accepted the truth everything would be fine. She would be fine.

She sobbed out loudly in the hospital room as taehyung hugged her tightly. Maybe his feelings took over. Maybe he wanted her to know but he just felt like it was the moment to let it all out.

He wanted to let out what he kept in his heart for years. He looked straight into her teary eyes as he felt his heart beating fast.

“i love you so much, Park.”

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