chapter nine.

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A's pov:

Taehyung slowly looked at the beautiful girl who looked more beautiful then ever as he moved her hair behind her ear and admired her.

She was sleeping on his lap as he smiled looking at her cute face as he turned the TV off. He started staring at her without any other word. When suddenly he heard a voice.

"Staring is a bad habit, you don't know?" She said and he jumped from his place she giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"You were awake! Ah! You dirty chipmunk!" He said and ran behind her as she ran as fast as I could.

It was them. The beautiful friends, Rosé park and Kim Taehyung.

It's been one week since Rosé was discharged from the hospital, her wounds are healing very good and she is also healing very good.

Since that day, they both live together. Rosé has moved to taehyung's apartment and Taehyung blocked Jaehyun's number forcefully and Rosé finally agreed to leave Jaehyun.

Now their friendship was more good then ever — it felt like the past years of their life came back in the most beautiful way ever.

Now they were again the same chill friends they used to be. That lazy weekends, where they would go out and watch some movies together were back again.

The smile on Rosé's face was back again but one thing that didn't change was the feelings taehyung had for Rosé. He always loved her and he still does, he believes that he'll keep loving her till the end of his life.

He has accepted his fate, he has accepted that they were meaned to be “just friends.” he has lost all hopes.

Now they were enjoying as taehyung ran behind her and she ran as fast as she could but he was more fast. He grabbed her from the back and started tickling her as she laughed.

"Oh my God for— hahahah for god's sake stop taehyung! Ahahaha—" she wss trying to stop taehyung but Taehyung kept tickling her when suddenly she pushed him with all the force she had.

He fell on his back almost — too hard as he felt his back hurt. He winced out as Rosé got up from the floor and ran to taehyung. He was also on the floor as she took his head in her lap.

"Oh my— I'm so sorry, tae. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." She said caressing his back as taehyung winced but then took control of his self.

His back was hurting like hell but he won't like to show it to her. He can't see her hurt because of him.

"It's okay, Park. As a punishment, I will eat all of your snacks haha!" He got up from his place as she rolled her eyes at him.

"You are seriously something, taehyung." She said and got up from the floor.

He gave her hand to help her to stand and then they walked to the corridor.

"Aren't you sleepy like it's almost 4AM Rosie? You have a job interview tomorrow if you haven't forgotten about it." He told as Rosé widened her eyes and jumped from her place.

"Oh my god! I completely forgot! How can I forget about it! Shit shit!" She cursed as taehyung caressed her back.

"You still have almost 3 hours to sleep. So go and sleep!" He pushed her softly towards her bedroom door.

She said goodnight to him before going to her room. There were two rooms in taehyung's apartment. One for Rosie, one for himself.

Even though he told Rosie that he would pay the rent, Rosé forced him and said that they will pay the rent half half or else she won't live with him. He agreed then.

Life was going amazing since then.


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