chapter ten.

43 3 15

J's pov:

“i drink till I'm drunk. Hun.
Smoke till I'm high-”

I stopped the loud music that was playing in my car as I felt my eyes widen. I opened my car door and threw the ciggrate that was in my left hand.

The buttons of my suit were open but I stopped and took a moment. I tied up the buttons of my suit and set up my hair to look more good as I walked to her.

"Rosie stop!" I yelled as I felt her stop at her place. After some seconds, she turned her face Towards me.

She looked more breathtaking then ever and I couldn't believe this women was once mine.

"Hey." She didn't say anything so I decided to speak first. She just looked at me in confusin and then crossed her arms on her chest.

"How can I help you, Mr Jung?" She asked and I felt her attractive voice eating me up from inside. I wish she was mine.

I took a step closer to her and she moved away from me as I felt my heart hurt.

I moved away from her. She was feeling uncomfortable with me.

"I know you won't believe this but— I'm truly sorry for everything I've ever done, Rosé. I thought that I didn't care, but I felt my heart burn when I didn't hear from you. I wanted to talk to you I missed you so much."

I took a pause and then started speaking again.

"I missed kissing your lips, I missed hugging you to sleep. Trust me, I couldn't even sleep at night. I kept drinking till I lost my mind. Kept smoking till I went high." I said and the expressions on her face didn't change a bit.

"So what?" She asked and I couldn't believe this was the same girl who loved me so much. I messed it up. I messed it all up.

I took her hand in mine and softly caressed it.

"I want you back, Park Rosé." I told her as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I don't have time for your shits. Get out of my sight and don't you dare touch me!" She yelled at me before pulling her hand away from my grip.

I was about to grab her hand once again when I received a hard punch on my left cheek. It was so hard that I fell on my knees hard. My lips started bleeding and for a second my eyes got blurred.

I looked up to see taehyung standing there with an angered look on his face.

He was about to punch me again when Rosé grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, taehyung. Let's go." She was about to walk away with him when I spoke.

"Who are you!? Hun? You are just a friend —" I said standing up from the floor as I wiped the blood from my lips.

Taehyung looked back at me with so much anger in his eyes. He walked closer to me.

"You keep acting like you're close to her! You're not! Stay the fuck out of our business you Kim Taehyung!" I yelled and I felt like taehyung kept his mouth shut after that as he looked down.

"Shut the fuck up!" I heared a female voice curse before Rosé walked closer to me. She slapped me hard across my face as I felt my knees weaken.

"Who are you Hun? You're just a bastard!" She yelled and then looked at taehyung.

"Do you know who is he? He is my boyfriend! You're my ex! So stay the fuck out of our business! That's what I'll like to tell you, Mr fuck Jung."

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