Chapter Three

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Fa'iza Mubarak Hakimi.

Ruqayya is out of her mind, that much I can tell. Since BK came inside, she has been shamelessly gawking at him. Even Ummi noticed.

We were ushered to the table like five minutes ago when BK's brother came in. Their mum hasn't even bothered to introduce them, like we're meant to know them. BK is someone you should know without being introduced to, but the other brother, I don't even know about his existence, well not until few minutes ago.

When everyone was taking their seats around the table, Ruqayya hurried and took a seat apposite BK. That earned her looks from BK's mother, Ummi, BK's brother and BK himself. But if you know Ruqayya, you'll know that she is one of the most shameless girls to ever exist. So those looks didn't affect her at all. In fact she doesn't look like she noticed them.

I honestly think she needs smacking on the head, maybe that will right the position of her brain and even force those loose screws back shut.

Now here we are, sitting back as the two maids go around the table serving us food. I don't think I've ever seen a home where anything but swallow is eaten for dinner. But here I am, looking at the rice porridge or whatever it is I should call it in front of me.

My eyes catch Ummi's across the table and all I can see is rage that is definitely not directed at me. Ruqayya is going to have her ear fall off the moment we leave this house. I already pity the poor girl. Let's hope she doesn't do more damage.

"Bismillah, koh? Let's eat." Clanks of cutlery follow and then short inaudible prayers.

BK's mother has few spoons of the porridge before she turns to Ummi who is by her side.

"You didn't introduce the other girl to me. I don't know her. Is she your daughter too?" I expect Ummi to say no or something.

"Yes, she's my daughter," Ummi says through gritted teeth. Oh her poor mandibular bone.

"But she doesn't look like you or senator at all. Ai bansan juya tana haihuwa biyu bah." I snap my head to BK's mother, hearing BK choke on the piece of offa he was chewing while his brother mumbled something under his breath.

"I don't think I got you, could you repeat that for me?" Ummi calls my name in a warning tone and I turn to her asking her what the hell she's calling my name for with my eyes.

"I think we'll take our leave now, Salaha. Thank you for dinner," Ummi says with a tight-lipped smile. She rewraps her veil and stands up. I follow suit, not bothering to even say anything to Salaha or whatever Ummi called her.

Ruqayya stands up, confusion tainting her features. We all head out of the dining, Ummi already on the phone to Abba. I can literally hear the wobble in her voice and grit of her teeth as she tells Abba that she can't wait for him to finish so we'll just take one of cars and leave the other one for him.

"I will not spend the night here in the same vicinity with her fah nikam." I almost snatch the phone from Ummi'd hold to tell Abba what just happened.

"Toh shikenan. Sai ka dawo." Ummi drops her phone back into her bag as we step out to the warm evening air. People are trooping into the mosque, I think for Isha prayer.

I hear a presence coming from behind me and soon enough, BK is standing in front of Ummi.

"Hajiya, kiyi hakuri. I'm so sorry about Ummu. But don't leave like this. Let's at least finish dinner." At least the son is sensible, unlike his mother that has no ounce of sensitivity in her.

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