Closing Note

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Alhamdulillah. This is one of my best books so far. I'm so proud of myself. The ending feels a little shabby to me, like I rushed it. I might edit it eventually, who knows? But Alhamdulillah.

And maybe, a bonus chapter. Depends on how things go.

Thank you all for reading this book. Thank you for your constant support and encouragements. The prayers, everything. I'm overwhelmed wallahi. Thank you.

This is my seventh complete book. And my second favorite.

It is available on okadabooks and will soon be on selar.

I will be taking it down in the next twenty four hours. So at 12pm tomorrow, only preview chapters will be available here.

I'll see Y'all in December.

Don't forget to send in reviews to my Instagram, @meemxy._

I might do a question answer thingy on this book later tonight. Okay, bye!

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