Chapter Thirteen

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Bello Kabir

No one said anything about anxiety with regards to marriage preparations and having your wedding date draw nearer with every looming second.

I have been jumpy since the wedding date was set two months ago. And it doesn't help that I'm a perfectionist and Ummu isn't bothering to hide her dislike towards Ruqayya.

Last month before the sa rana was done, Ruqayya came to Kaduna, of course together with Fa'iza because she can't be allowed to travel alone even though there was a driver with them. I'm not complaining though, I'm glad she's made to go everywhere with Fa'iza and so when I don't allow her to go places on her own after we're married, she'll definitely understand.

When I brought her into our house, Fa'iza behind her with a passive look on her face, Ummu acted completely oblivious to her presence. She wouldn't respond to hers or Fa'iza's greeting and she even refused the gifts they brought —fruits for Ummu and Abu, shirts for Yaya and I, and a makeup kit for Afreen.

Obviously, Afreen took her against Ummu's words but when has Afreen ever listened to Ummu? In fact, Afreen absolutely adores Fa'iza. Not like she doesn't like Ruqayya too, but it's obvious she prefers Fa'iza to Ruqayya. Maybe it's because Fa'iza is more sweet and social than Ruqayya. But Afreen exchanged contacts with Fa'iza and sometimes you'll hear her telling Abu about how Yaya made a mistake by rejecting a sweet soul like Fa'iza.

When Ruqayya and Fa'iza were leaving later that day, Ummu said something to them that made Ruqayya not to talk to me for the rest of the day. No one told me what Ummu said, but I won't put it past her to insult, degrade or threaten them. Ummu always does things for herself, if she says this is what will happen, it has to happen and when and if it doesn't, all hell breaks loose.

I couldn't help but talk to Abu about it, and he said that I shouldn't worry, that when the wedding finally comes, she will undoubtedly love Ruqayya. But she doesn't.

I think he spoke to her about it, because when the wedding preparations start coming in full swing, she's more immersed in it than I'd expect since she doesn't like Ruqayya. And she seems to be doing just fine with everything.

But I can see it in the way she has been looking at the guest house Senator Ibrahim has provided us with when we came to Jigawa state, his hometown that she still holds something against my girl. It's like she wishes she could be anywhere but here.

She hasn't quite shown her full support in the wedding, but she also hasn't shown that she is not in support of the wedding. Which is actually okay to me, as long as she is not making my wife's life a living hell, it's good.

I love Ummu, but when she's like this, it makes me wonder if she even wants me to be happy.

It is now exactly twenty four hours or less from the time I will be announced as Ruqayyah's husband and her as my wife. And Ruqayya has asked to meet with her tonight, that she needs to talk to me about something urgently. I just hope she's not getting cold feet.

She can't get cold feet before our wedding, we're already this close. Just few hours more.

Since the day about a week ago we spoke about her supposed career choice, she has been distant. When I call, she's hardly ever close to her phone and when she is, she is either talking to me and someone else that is with her, or she's giving me curt replies.

She might not appreciate my refusal for that, but she eventually will, someday. She doesn't have to even appreciate it, I know I'm doing it for hers and our future children's good. How did she even think it'd sound? Her children saying their mother is a Hollywood actress? Does she think that's something to be proud of?

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