𖤐 Bad Dreams (♥︎) 𖤐

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I woke up suddenly, sitting up and whipping the small beads of sweat from my forehead.

I look over to my still sleeping boyfriend before slowly getting up from the bed and moving quietly to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face in an attempt to remove the rest of the sticky, warm feeling.

I had been having the reoccurring nightmare for weeks, and I hadn't gotten used to it in the slightest.

I stare at myself in the mirror as I try to regain my composure. My breathing was heavy and my heart was still racing. I hear a small knock on the door and it makes me jump.

"Y/N, you okay?" A sleepy voice asks. I must have woken Gerard accidentally when I left the room.

"Yeah, I'm okay.." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. I open the door to see him standing there, his hair a mess and his eyes were just barley open, just the sight of him calms me enough to breath steadily. I reach forward to him to pull him into a tight, sleepy hug.

"Another nightmare?" He asks before placing a soft kiss to my forehead.

I nod lazily, squeezing him lightly. I listen to his heartbeat for a moment, it's slow and calm. Comforting.

"C'mon, let's go back to bed, it's cold." Gerard laughs lightly before picking me up to take me back to out shared room. He gently places me on the bed and lays down beside me, pulling the covers over the both of us. I move closer to him, seeking more warmth and comfort.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Gerard mumbled, placing an arm around my waist to pull me closer.

"It was just the same as always.." I said softly into his chest, once again listening to his heartbeat. I close my eyes. I wasn't tired anymore, so we'd probably stay up talking for a while, but I don't mind. Every moment with Gerard is like heaven.

"Ah, I see.." he replies with a hum. He shifts slightly so his face is now at level with mine, and he kisses me gently. "Well, I'll keep you safe, I promise." He giggles, and I can help but laugh along with him.

"Thank you, my sweet.." I smiled lightly and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose.

Gerard's smile grew wider "Anything for my sunshine." He answered.

We stayed up talking for a while. I grew more drowsy as time went on, my eyelids felt heavy and I let out a quiet yawn.

"Finally getting sleepy again, love?" Gerard asks with a small smile tugging at his lips.

I nod lazily and roll over in his arms so my back is pressed agains his chest. I can feel his warm breath tickling the back of my neck and I smile softly.

"I little bit.." I yawn again, stretching my arms out slightly.

I feel him press a soft kiss to the back of my neck and he holds me tighter. "Go to sleep, sunshine." He yawns as well.

I pout a bit at his words "but I wanna keep talking..." I whine jokingly. He laughs and kisses me once more.

"We can talk more tomorrow." His voice was tired and quiet when he spoke and I couldn't help but smile. I nod and close my eyes again, letting sleep take over me.

"Goodnight, Gee.." I say before drifting off in his arms, listening to the sound of his steady breathing and his heartbeat.


A/N: Bro this has so much unnecessary shit thrown in so it's not that short and it's STILL really short 😭

I apologize dearly 🙏

𖤐 - 𝔾𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 -𖤐 ♱ planetery_h03 ♱Where stories live. Discover now