1 | The Man

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Months later, I find myself standing in front of St. Fairlot University with Arsinoe by my side. 

After weeks of packing and saying goodbye, I didn't feel anything for leaving California. I never had a purpose there except to graduate. It was a long flight and we headed straight here. We decided to settle in New Brunswick, but our flight landed in Quebec, giving us almost a 15 minute drive to St. Fairlot.

Our rental car stayed parked in the parking lot with our luggage. My canvases, acrylic paints, sketch books and pencils were all in the car. I was putting a lot of trust in a metal box with wheels.

My parents left on their 8 hour drive in another rental car to our new house and we were told to go to the main office as soon as we got here.

I told Arsinoe to wait at the entrance while making sure our car was locked. She was gone by the time I was gathering essentials in my arms. My phone, wallet and keys were all in my hands. Just in case I got kidnapped, my location was on and I can use my key to gouge the kidnapper's eyes out. I slammed the car door shut and headed to my new school.

I sped-walked across the pavement and I realised my phone wasn't in my pockets anymore. I just  had it in my hands a few seconds ago.

I stopped to pat my pockets and the right one was empty. I muttered a curse under my breath and I quickly turned around to search for it on the ground until I collided with a firm chest.

The heel of my shoe caught on my other foot and I stumbled back in surprise, arms flailing. "Oh shit." I managed to say, bracing myself to hit the ground until an arm came around my waist, yanking me up with a lot more force than necessary. Their arm was warm and heat radiated off of them, my heart fluttering in response. 

What the hell was that?

I brought a hand up to stop my forehead from bumping into their body again. I grimaced at myself as I looked up to see a guy with piercing green eyes. "Ah, sorry about that." I smiled awkwardly at the incredibly handsome man and glanced behind his arm to see my phone on the concrete. 

I hurried around him and picked it up, shoving it into my pocket. "Thanks, by the way." I muttered under my breath as I walked past, my face was probably crimson red. I also heard a grunt in acknowledgement, faint footsteps following behind me that encouraged me to walk even faster.

I saw Arsinoe waiting by the entrance and I gave her the 'okay' signal.

The lady at the front desk greeted us immediately. "Hey! Are you guys the new students?" I peaked at the nameplate, Mrs. Clinton.

I spoke up, even if I wasn't comfortable talking to new people. "Yeah. Evelyn Amherst." I introduced myself as I gestured for Arsinoe to do the same.

"Arsinoe Amherst." She said as Mrs. Clinton typed in our names.

"Sisters?" She asked curiously.

"Cousins." We answered in unison. Arsinoe continued, "Our dads are brothers." She explained.

Mrs. Clinton nodded, distracted. She held up a finger as a signal for us to wait. Then she picked up a phone and pressed a button. "Josie Alvarez and Vivian Bardot, please report to the main office. Josie Alvarez and Vivian Bardot." Her voice boomed across the hallways.

"You guys can take a seat." She gestured at the few chairs in the corner of the room. Confused as we were, we did and waited for... I didn't know what. Or more specifically, who. 

Two girls entered the doors and they exchanged hushed words with Mrs. Clinton. She jerked her chin towards us and ushered the girls our way.

"This is Vivian and she'll be giving a tour of St. Fairlot with Arsinoe." Mrs. Clinton said. Arsinoe and the blonde haired girl with a full face of makeup shake hands. I don't mistake seeing Vivian wiping her hands on her pants after the faint greeting.

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