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Tokyo japan.

By the airport a figure of a seventeen year old boy who came out of the building as he walks to the city.

The teen is reveal to be (y/n) (l/n) as he walks to the konami company for his card designs.

You see it all started when he was a baby.

He mysteriously appeared by the steps of the orphanage which confused the caretaker on why leave such a innocent child.

So as usual take the boy in and raised him which surprisingly he's quite talented in young age.

But in the age of eight he's saw some kids seeing a series called yugioh duel monsters at first he felt a bit familiar about it but then saw the whole series and seasons era of the original, gx, 5ds and zexal.

Even saw some other series but felt something odd when he saw some beings that felt him familiar.

But once he heard of yugioh arc v and start to see it which confused him that he felt he knows them for some reason and a bit weird of the characters as well.

However he felt mad for some reason on how it ended the series which in his opinion the counterparts split and live happily.

But not all is supposed to happen the way you want.

Then he started to design his own cards as he began to work on it but then design a deck that he felt familiar for some reason.

Heavenly Dragon archetype cards.

One time he heard of a employment on konami company of card ideas as he sended details of his design which the company are very interested and invited him to see the full design.

Now he's here as he looks at his tablet where he kept his data on the cards.

Y/N: Can't wait to see if they can create you. Said with a exciting look.

As he stops to see the lights of the side walk are red as the cars began to move for a moment to red lights to stop.

He start to walk and then suddenly he noticed a little girl walking to the street ahead of her mother but

He hears a car moving as he looks to see a truck on the move and the driver distracted.

(A/N: Very important to never be distracted while driving.)

Then he quickly rush to the little girl as he pushed her out of the way but then got hit instead slammed to the ground hard and bleeding very bad.

As he felt in great pain looking at the tablet that is now broken beyond repair meaning all his work is now gone along with his own life fading as well.

Y/N 'thought': So is this it after all I have done, well at least I lived the best I could in this life. Said in his mind with a sad look.

As his eyes closed and sigh his last breath meaning he passed on while the people are trying to save him but knowing they can't do anything so they silent in respect on the young man for saving the little girl hopefully he can rest in peace in the after life.

Or so they thought.

In a white void.

The unconscious teen floating in the void as a light start to shine on him.

???: I finally found you. Said.

As then start to heal his injuries which he started to wake up to see where he is.

Y/N: Is this heaven?. Said with a curious look.

???: Far from it young one. Said.

The Heavenly Dragon Duelist (yugioh arc v x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now