chapter 1

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(A/N: Before you all start to read I forgot to inform that I'll follow up with the sub version of the series which is more understandable also the cards names will be called in English but still have their anime effects.)

In a environment of a Japanese era with cherry blossom leaves falling down.

On the left side two mechanical monster that look like samurai by the looks of it in defense position.

Behind them is someone who is wearing a formal type martial art uniform merge with a high school uniform.

This man is noboru gongenzaka who is in a duel against someone.

Gongenzaka LP: 2600

Hand: 4

He grabs one card.

Gongenzaka: I tribute my superheavy samurai blue brawler and superheavy samurai swordsman. Said with a serious look.

As his two monsters disappeared and a light appeared at the center.

Gongenzaka: To advance summon superheavy samurai big benkei. Said with a serious look.

Then appeared his most powerful monster to the field in defense position.

Superheavy samurai big benkei

☆: 8

Def: 3500

Gongenzaka looks to a direction.

Gongenzaka: Come on yumi, duel me the man gongenzaka one on one. Said with a serious look.

In a distance at the temple entrance with the moon shining behind it.

Yumi: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!. Yelled out of nowhere.

As revealed to be eighteen year old yumi riding her monster performapal hip hippo as stand on the roof.

Yuma: Now I activate the quick play spell, hippo carnival. Said with a smile.

As she plays her spell so then her three hippo dancers appear while dancing.

Yumi: It's showtime. Said with a smile.

The three hippos dance like they're mocking the opponent which gongenzaka didn't like it at all.

Gongenzaka: What the..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?. Said with a annoyed look and yelled at the end.

In a control room a eighteen year old yuzu hiragi who is also annoyed at her friend's act.

Yuzu: Come on and play seriously yumi. Said with a annoyed look.

But suddenly she hit the monitor by accident causing it to short circuit and start to explode as she panics.

Just then her father shuzo hiragi appeared who as well panicked.

Shuzo: What's happening yuzu?. Said with a concern look.

She looks at her dad with a panic look.

Yuzu: Sorry dad. Said with a fear look.

He checks and began to panic even more.

Shuzo: Oh man if this breaks the entire solid vision system will go out. Said with a panic look.

As the system began to malfunction.

At the observation room a boy who reveal to he tatsuya and beside him is his mother who are watching the duel, but his mother not interested at the girl's antics but tatsuya noticed the arena started to glitch and slowly vanishing even gongenzaka noticed which he tried to warn yumi but she didn't listen.

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