chapter 3

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In the void.

(Y/N) looking at the dragon with a smile.

Y/N: It has been so long, my friend. Said with a smile.

The dragon smiles at him and nods.

???: Indeed it has old friend. Said with a smile.

Then suddenly their surroundings  changed to see they're inside a cave.

The young man looks around awed, which he recognized in this place.

Y/N: This is?. said with a surprise look.

The dragon sees he remembers this specific place.

???: Indeed, it is master where we all met. Said with a smile.

Suddenly, memories rushed in his mind to see his younger self with six other dragons before him laughing together.

Seeing this memory and looking back at his partner. 

???: It's been so long since we last saw each other again. I'm glad we are reunited once more. Said with a smile.

He nodded with a smile on his face and remembered this place when he was younger.

Y/N: Where are the others?. said with a questionable look.

This made the dragon move to a direction, which he noticed and followed his partner to see where he was going.

Only to lead him to an opened cavern and see a hole in the sky, seeing the clouds and sunlight beaming through.

But his most attention and surprised to see five large crystals, but what got him surprised is what is within them.

Worry getting the better of him and checking on them to see them closely.

Y/N: What happened?. said with a worried look.

His dragon partner stood to his side while looking at the dragon within the crystal.

???: We all use all our energy from preventing you from being split, but it leads you to be pushed out of the dimension and disappear in the process, never to be seen again, then we all went to hibernation state since we used all of our energy and hope we could find you again. Said with a concern look.

This made the young man sad to hear and place his hand on the crystal, but then he felt a pulse, which surprised him.

The dragon noticed too and smiled.

???: Yes, they are close to being awakened and ready to fight by your side once more. Said with a smile.

This made him glad to hear that, then looked at his partner.

Y/N: So then I can finally use you guys once again. Said with a smile.

The dragon smiled at him and was about to say something.

But suddenly they hear loud roars from outside which brought their attention.

The dragon smiled even more to hear those roars.

???: Seems that finally, the others are awakened. Said with a smile.

This made the teen confused, and then the dragon gestured him to hop on which he climbed on the dragon.

Then suddenly, the dragon moved fast at flight speed that made (y/n) hang on as he flew straight the hole in the ceiling leading outside.

As they got to the high sky, the teen looked around, and he's surprised to see.

The Heavenly Dragon Duelist (yugioh arc v x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now