chapter 5

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(Y/N) along with yumi, yuzu, tatsuya, futoshi, and ayu arrived back to the You show duel School.

After everything that has happened today between the undefeated dragon emperor against sylvio sawatari.

As (y/n) used his original deck, the archetype known as the heavenly dragon deck, it is something they have never seen or heard before.

Yumi, on the other hand, is in thought of what happened during the duel.

Sylvio sawatari managed to pendulum summon on his first try without difficulty at all.

Although her most attention is her best friend/crush, also known as the undefeated dragon, who used a different deck as his own original deck and most important part of that that he also possess pendulum cards and did a pendulum summon.

She can't help herself to think about it ever since the match against Strong ishijima unlocked the pendulum summon, thinking it is unique only for her to use.

But now, after the duel between (y/n) and sylvio, she has a lot of questions in her mind.

Once they all arrive inside, they see shuzo and gongenzaka waiting for them.

Shuzo: Hey kids, where have you been?. said with a questionable look.

Gongenzaka: Yeah, you should have been here like an hour ago?. Said with a questionable look.

Yuzu: Well, it is a long story. Said with a concern look.

She told them everything that had happened and after what happened as well, and let's just say that both her father and gongenzaka are furious.

Gongenzaka: Unforgivable, use cowardly methods to steal yumi's pendulum cards, that is no duelist at all. Said with a serious look.

Shuzo: I agree to go that far for stealing her cards, but however. Said with a serious look.

He looks at (y/n).

Shuzo: You have my gratitude (y/n) for protecting them, but now the most important question is how did you gain pendulum cards, too?. said with a curious look.

This brought their attention, especially yumi, to hear his answer.

The undefeated dragon emperor knew they asked this question.

Y/N: I have no idea at all. Said with a neutral look.

This made them anime drop at his answer.

Tatsuya: What do you mean (y/n)-oniichan?. said with a questionable look.

Y/N: What I'm saying is that I don't know, just last night I was checking the deck that I finally completed which suddenly a flash of light happened to my cards and most of them turn to pendulum cards. Said with a neutral look.

This made them curious at his answer while yumi had a case of deja vu, something like that happened to her when she faced strong ishijima.

But the most important part needed answers and only one thing to do.

Yumi: (Y/N) I challenge you to a duel. Said with a determined look.

This brought everyone's attention.

Yuzu: Yumi, why now, we just got back. Said with a surprise look.

The tomato haired girl looked at him with a determined look.

Yumi: I want to face him since we made a promise that we will duel with his true deck when it's completed, and so it is. Said with a determined look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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