chapter 4

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The duel began as both duelists drew their five cards.

Y/N and sylvio: DUEL!!!!. Yelled in sync.

Y/N LP: 4000

Hand: 5

Sylvio LP: 4000

Hand: 5

By the stands yumi, yuzu, ayu, tatsuya, and futoshi are seated to watch the match between (y/n) and sylvio to take back yumi's two pendulum cards.

Yumi is concerned for (y/n) because he's dueling to get her cards back from the scumbag.

Yuzu sees her best friend worried for (y/n) she can understand how she feels and hopefully win yumi's cards back.

Claire and masumi are in another part of the stadium to see the match.

Claire: Well, let's see (y/n) can back up his claim as the undefeated dragon emperor. Said with a neutral look.

Masumi: I have heard that he uses a mix dragon deck with some support, I wonder how he can do what I heard is true. Said with a neutral look.

LDS control room.

Reiji observes the screen to see the potential of the dragon user.

Reiji: Let's see what you're capable of (y/n) tianlong. Said with a neutral look.

Back to the duel.

Sylvio looks at him.

Sylvio: I'll let you go first, Mr. undefeated. Said with a smirk.

The dragon user narrowed his eyes, seeing is like canon and looks at his hand looking at some options.

???: Master. Said in his mind.

He heard his partners call and listen to him.

???: Even if it has been a long time since you used us, let your heart and instincts guide you, and you will never lose. Said in his mind.

He heard his advice and followed through it, which then noticed a card that glowed a bit and heard a growling coming from it.

He looked at the card closely and smiled, and grabbed the card.

Y/N: Since I control no monsters on my field, I c-. Before he could finish his sentence.

Suddenly, sylvio started to laugh at him.

Sylvio: Oh wow, that's funny. In case you're trying to summon your vice dragon, it won't work if I have a monster in my field. Said with a smirk.

His three goons laugh at him, too, seeing a mistake.

Claire and masumi got curious about it but got so annoyed because sylvio interrupted.

Reiji also got curious but narrowed his eyes at sylvio's interruption.

The You show students are confused about what he will do but worried as what sylvio said might be true.

Sylvio continued to laugh, but (y/n) looked at him.

Y/N: Who said anything about me summoning vice dragon?. Said with a neutral look.

This got everyone's attention and looked at him.

Sylvio: Huh?. said with a confused look.

The teen grabbed the card.

The Heavenly Dragon Duelist (yugioh arc v x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now