A pool of blood- Steve Rogers

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Today was just a bad day for Y/N Barnes-Rogers, James Bucky Barnes's little sister, and Steve Rogers's wife. To start off the day she awoke with her period the stain appearing on the bed sheets brought tears to her eyes but what really made the damn break was when she saw the fact that she got blood on her favorite Pajama Bottoms, They happened to be the one Steve got her when he saw them in a store while in New Orleans for a mission, he had some downtime and grabbed them for her, they had crawfish, corn and big gumbo pots on them. Knowing how much his girlfriend now wife loved seafood and the New Orleans culture he couldn't resist buying them. Just the the idea of staining them made Y/N want to cry but now actually staining them tears began falling down her cheeks, immediately letting her husband who came in the room that something was wrong
" Oh honey, what happened?" Y/n explained what happened while choking on her sobs

"Oh Y/n it'll be okay How about I run you a bath and wash these and then when you come downstairs I will have a stack of pancakes waiting for you with some bacon." Y/n nodded in response and let herself walk into the bathroom following after Steve and going through the motions.

Y/n wasn't really sure why she was crying over some Pajama bottoms, maybe because she was just emotional due to her period or it was the fact that Steve had bought those for her, she wasn't really sure why. once she sat down in the warm bath that Steve ran for her she immediately relaxed but something was missing from her bath and just moments later that very missing thing walked into the door, he gave her a soft smile and crouched down to her level 

" The sheets and the pants are in the wash, Natasha was in there finishing up her laundry she said she would take care of them later once they were done" Y/n nodded her head gratefully She loved Natasha dearly, she somewhat reminded her of her baby sister Becca, their attitudes and glares they gave would make anyone curl into themselves. 

" Can you join me please Stevie" Steve chuckled at the nickname while nodding and began removing his clothes to step in behind his wife in the warm water. Once Steve was situated Y/n leaned back into him her head resting on his shoulder as he ran his hands softly on her lower stomach soothing the aches that ran through her. 

Not much was said between the pair, not that much needed to be said, it was moments like these that the duo enjoyed together where they didn't have the loudness of their makeshift family and the craziness that followed them and they could just have moments of quiet. 

" You know I love these moments with you Steve, where it's nice and quiet, It reminds me of back then when we would be in the apartment and just listening to the world around us" 

" Yeah, would you ever want to go back if it was a possibility?" 

" I don't know to be honest, I know Bucky wouldn't want to he likes it here, he's freer I guess he just loves the new technology and stuff I'm just glad he and Tony were able to get passed their issues, so I guess no because I don't think I would be able to leave Bucky" 

" I get that, sometimes I miss it, the quietness of it, I'm glad we don't have to worry about the depression now and the war but I miss the way people were so carefree and no one was buried in their phones all the time, but maybe that's just the old man in me" Y/n chuckled softly 

" You've always been an old soul Stevie Even then you weren't into the new advancements in technology like Bucky was, like when Howard was showing off his attempt at a flying car, Bucky was absolutely amazed but you I could tell you weren't that into it, you much rather be buried in a book or drawing and I love that about you, it's probably one of my favorite things about you" Steve placed a kiss to his wife's lips and smiled

" I love you" 

" I love you more" 

" Not possible my love, not possible" 

The water began to turn cold Steve pulled the drain and lifted himself and Y/n out wrapping her in the biggest and fluffiest towel they had and they both walked into the bedroom, Steve pulled out Y/n's favorite sweatpants and her favorite sweatshirt of his, while Y/n got herself taken care of in the bathroom Steve pulled on his clothes and walked to the kitchen to begin on making breakfast for himself and his wife and of course he had to make more for the team because god forbid there isn't food for everyone. 

soon enough Y/n had walked into the kitchen looking much better than she did earlier, Steve turned to face her right as she sat down and he had presented her with a stack of pancakes with bacon on the side.

But of course Tony had to walk in from his lab to make once again another pot of coffee 

" Awe look at Mr. and Mrs. Rogers being all domesticated" Y/n looked up from her food and pointed her fork towards Tony

" Tony, I started my day in a pool of blood is that how you want to end yours? because I will stab you with this fork" Steve had to hold back hos laughter as Tony glared at him 

" Well jeez it's someone's time of the month" Y/n sprung up from her seat and began chasing Tony around the compound threatening him with her fork. 

" Did I just see, Y/n chasing Tony with a fork?" Natasha commented as she poured her cup of coffee

" yeah he made some comments about us being domestic and about her being on her period and well that happened" he said gesturing to Y/n on top of Tony pointing the Sticky fork right by Tony's eye. 

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