6. w.hat was gained

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"You not answering my fucking question, what were you trying to gain in telling her my business."

"Demetrius first off lower your voice, your daughter is in the other room sleeping.

Secondly, I wasn't trying to gain anything since you've been loving to assume lately, I just felt like if I couldn't get through to you maybe she could".

"Nah man fuck all of that, you moving weird for that why do you need to involve other people in what we got going on" Demetrius was fuming, he felt betrayed by his partner.

His palms were perspiring from anger as his breathing became more intense. Aaliyah was feeling a similar sentiment to Demetrius's anger with a mix of confusion, why was the man who claimed to love her treating her with so much rashness?

The pair continued with their intense stare off, every second became more and more distressing.

"I'm done with this conversation, get the fuck outta my face" Demetrius dismissed her like a "bitch" on the streets. That's how he's been speaking whenever he felt was the most convenient.

"You're getting mad at me but you know for a fact I have pure intentions, I would never try t-".

"Go check on Deja or something cause I'm about to get real disrespectful in a minute" Demetrius was real cool when he pour out that hateful sentence to her, he was showing less and less respect for the mother of his daughter as the weeks went by regrettably his actions were soon going to cost him.

"Whatever East" It was at that instant that Metri felt a shift within himself, Aaliyah never called him East so that being her first time gave him a slightly eerie feeling that he quickly pushed to the back of his mind.


*Ring ring

Aaliyah's phone goes off with the words "Mama" written across the screen. A big smile ran across her face. This was the perfect moment since East was upstairs with Deja luckily.

"Hey Mama how are you" Aaliyah enjoyed getting to speak to Mama Faye any chance she got, for so long Aaliyah kept certain things hidden from her own mom but Ms. Faye always made her feel like she had a safe space to talk.

As much as Mama Faye's relationship was nothing short of perfect that wasn't always the case with Demetrius and his mom's own relationship. Due to the neglect, she partook in Metri's upbringing they didn't always see eye to eye, nevertheless, they still loved each other.

"I'm good suga how's my grandbaby".

"She's doing good she's upstairs with her dad" Lee responded vaguely.

"I know you were telling me about your postpartum, I know it's challenging I went through it with Alexis... sadly there is nothing I can say at this moment to make it all better but just know I'm here for you LiLi and so is Metri".

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