8. m.oving in silence

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Filler chapter

Filler chapter

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Many nights Demetrius fantasized about Aaliyah's perfect body, longing he could make love to her temple like he once did. He wanted to be buried in the deepest parts of her warm velvety abyss, he knew he didn't deserve that luxury though not after how he was treating the poor woman.

But he was a man with needs, a disabled angry man who didn't know how to properly communicate his emotions with the need to be touched. He hated the man he was becoming, yet he wasn't doing anything to change either. He was in the grieving stage of his life and slowly but surely entering the faze of his life where his internal pain was starting to destroy the relationships around him.

3 months later

Life was slowly starting to settle in for the troublesome couple, they had time to grieve their many losses. Demetrius was prolonging his physical therapy and him and his physical therapist Solange had exchanged numbers behind Aaliyah's back.

He didn't see it as disloyal because he planned on using it for extreme cases such as needing her assistance throughout the day. He didn't tell Aaliyah because he knew that she could decode a harmless act badly, there was enough going on and he didn't want to be the reason the dynamic would alter even more between them. He didn't see a future with Solange, he wanted Aaliyah and that wasn't going to change any time soon.
On the flip side, the  more he replayed the encounter he was starting to feel bad for what he did, cheating want the problem it was him hiding details that made him at fault presently.He and Aaliyah were starting to talk a bit more but not as much as before all and all it was Demetrius's doing for the pair not talking to each other.

Aaliyah kept swallowing her pride and continued to be the same caring, supportive and attentive girlfriend that she's been for the past year. Recently the pair celebrated their one-year anniversary, it wasn't what they imagined their anniversary to be. They imagined being madly in love with each other, continuing to grow with one another but Aaliyah could feel their spark dwindling down day by day.

Aaliyah did the dishes as Demetrius sat in his wheelchair by the dinner table, he was spacing out pondering over how he was going to come clean to Aaliyah. In the end, he didn't cheat nor did he have the intention to but still believed that she deserved to know the full story before she heard it from external sources.

It was now 6 o clock the gang was all together, Demetrius, Bashar and Shooter sat inside watching the Laker game. All while Aaliyah, Aadalia, Layla and baby Deja said outside out on their spacious patio. Both Lee and East needed to vent to their friends, things weren't getting any better between the couple even their friends knew that fact.

"I messed up man, I regret trying to be the big, tough macho guy when I should have just tried to open up to Aaliyah, now I'm scared I might lose her man" Demetrius was disappointed in himself not only for keeping this secret for so long but for also being entirely upfront with Solange. He could feel that she was starting to catch feelings quickly, but Demetrius didn't want her not even for a second, he realized that once he saw that Travis and Aaliyah were briefly texting. He couldn't even be all the way mad at her cause he was technically doing the same thing plus he was sure that Aaliyah would never go back to him.

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