14. s.incere

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Walking into the police station has been the most off-putting thing that ive had to do in a long time. Armon and I have made sure to equally share the task of speaking to detectives in our parents' case.

Detective Harlod informed me once again that there are no leads in my parents case. They themselves didn't believe for a long time that my parents could have even been murdered based on the way it played out. It took a lot of digging and speaking to other private investigators to prove to detectives of the state that our parents had been in fact murdered and that it was indeed planned.

Every time I came down to the station it was always the same disbearing reply "Where doing all that we can miss Samuels", the worse one that I've heard was being told that most likely they would never find out who killed my parents since the "possibilities are endless" what the actual fuck. These people forget that they were a child to someone, a brother or a sister, most importantly they were someones parents.

Parents that have never and will never meet their grandchild, I was robbed of being able to get to fix a relationship with those two. They had their faults but they were still the two individuals who gave me life, I was willing to see past all of that.

Once the whole ordeal was over I left the station and got a desperately needed nail and hair makeover.

Lay told me to get both done because she had a surprise for me that so badly needed me to have my hair and nails done. I didn't oppose her plan cause for the last few weeks I have had all the life sucked right out of me. If that means Layla's shenanigans will bring me even an ounce of joy then I'm down for sure.

"So are you not going to tell me where we're going"

"Aaliyah we are going to the club damn, it was supposed to be a surprise!" Once I got back to her place, I asked her one hundred and one questions. That was until she got fed up, forcing herself to just tell me.

I don't like to hate many things but surprises would have to be at the top of the list for me.

"Lay, I haven't been to the club in so long I'm gonna look so out of place there."

"Bitch, fuck all of that we are going to the club and we finna have fun".

"OK whatever, is there a color you tryna go for" Layla and I had this weird obsession with dressing up in the same color as each other when we went out. Even Shooter and De- -person who shall not be named know about it.

"I was thinking orange today, doesn't matter the outfit but it has to be orange"

"I really don't want to go out tonight plus, who's gonna watch Deja Shooter left already.

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