15. p.retty little fears

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"Sincere, I gotta get home, don't you have a flight in the morning?"

"Damn bae you tryna get rid of me already, and what if I ain't ready to leave you yet " Sincere and I were driving through Harlem. We got to know each other, and he told me a bit about his upbringing and his siblings.

Both of us had experienced premature deaths in our family from people we were close to. He told me the unfortunate story about his brother and sister-in-law passing away last year.

We pulled up to this random park, no one was present just us and the moon staring back at us. When I listened to him talk about his brother it broke my heart because I could relate to everything he was feeling.

"You're the first person that knows the feeling; everyone tells you that they know it's hard and only time will heal you. That bullshit ain't what anyone wants to hear."

I could feel Sincere's anger radiating off of him when talking about his brother.

"Tell me about it, even people who didn't fuck with my parents tried giving me advice on what to do with my parent's heritage. People have too much audacity.

"Word ma, but I think my people didn't die from a simple car crash. I think my brother owed someone, and they killed both him and his wife." Ain't no way Sincere's life was this similar to my situation right now.

"Sincere you my twin your something" I couldn't help but laughter because how did we get here.

"Whatchu talking about"

"My brother and I are convinced that our parents got killed too but the cops aren't taking the case serious enough."

"Nah, that's weird, Aaliyah. plus didn't you say they passed in a car accident right?" I didn't know exactly Sincere was insinuating but it he had my full attention more than ever now. For so long Armon and I couldn't get a single or answer and it took five minutes for Sincere to possibly crack something in my parents case.

Sincere and I moved passed the conversation about our deceased family members and kept the conversation going about why we were single. I didn't really want to go into too much detail about Demetrius because in all honesty I'm still in love with him, he's still my first in many ways and I cant just forget that because of what happened between us.

"He a fuck nigga forreal, he lost a dime for a penny ass bitch"

"I don't think I would be able to forgive myself if I lost a girl like you, the nigga can't walk either... shit double homicide for real".

"Hey not too much on my baby daddy now" I said trying to sound serious, Sincere shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing though.

"I wanna keep seeing you Aaliyah I like your vibe, I know you still got your thing going on with ole dude but shi I'm willing to wait wherever you're ready. I'm not tryna pressure you.

"I know Sin but so much is going on right now with Demetrius plus we just met, I wanna take things slow with you before we end up in anything serious. I gotta move differently now that I have a kid, I can't just rush into things like that."

This whole night I felt so at peace, I finally felt like someone was listening to what I had to say.

Getting into something with Sincere was so tempting but I knew better than to let my hormones make decisions for me instead.

There was still so much between Metri and me that we had to settle, we had a house together a daughter shit even shared insurance I can't just up and leave all that behind.

Once Sincere had dropped me off at Lay's house, he spent the remainder of the night texting before I went to sleep. I felt like he was too good to be true, we had just met but it felt like we had known each other for years. When I spoke he had this look of intense interest in whatever it was I was talking about. It was a look that I stopped seeing in Demetrius's eyes in fact.

I hated myself a bit for thinking so much about Sincere that night but I couldn't help it, he's this pretty boy smooth talker with so much swag that he can make your panties drop with just one look.

I wanted him more than I should

I'm fucked


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pardon me for any errors

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