17. s.hackles

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We were getting toxic for each other, and we both knew that; I didn't care, really, at this point. I lost this girl once, and I ain't letting that shit happen a second time again; I rather have toxic moments than let her go. Ever since we got back together, she seems much more peaceful, too peaceful for my liking; she has been laughing more, but not with me it's usually something on her phone.

It had me suspicious of whether or not she was back to talking to Lil Romeo, aka Sincere's ass, again or what. I knew she would never cross me like that, but I couldn't be too sure.

A nigga was on guard but didn't want to show it too much.
I ain't never been a jealous dude a day in my life, but what they say is true about it: it only takes one person to change you forever, and Aaliyah is that "one person."

I stood outside our bedroom and watched the girls laugh together; those two would forever have my heart, and they knew it. Aaliyah was the perfect person to have my seed; she's so delicate and hands-on with Deja. Even with everything that happened with Lil Man, not once did she switch up or take even the slightest amount of frustration out on Deja.

"Look at my girls looking all pretty!" I came behind Aaliyah, fondling her curves as Deja looked up at me with her big brown eyes that resembled mine. Deja was getting so big now; she's already nine months old and has been getting ready to start walking slowly but surely.

I kissed behind Lee's ear as she held Deja in her arms; life couldn't get any better than this. We had our ups and downs, but I want this to work between us so badly; I don't wanna do life with no one else but her. I'm ready to fight and kill every nigga behind her ten times over if I have to.

"East, relax, kissing all up on me in front of your daughter." My kisses on her neck came to a halt.

"Man, for one, who cares? My baby should be seeing her parents loving each other anyways, and two, WHO THE FUCK IS EAST. Errbody can call me that except yo ass, I forbid you from saying that shit.

You know the names I like you calling me East ... ain't... one ... of ... them." I said jokingly, getting all up in her face.

"Well, I'm sorry, baby-" Before she could finish her sentence, Deja started kicking her tiny legs everywhere, trying to get out of her mother's arms so I could hold her. She reached up her little arms towards me as she said


Aaliyah and I stared at each other briefly, realizing what had just happened. Deja had just said her first words.

The couple stared in adoration. He couldn't stop looking at his beautiful daughter with tremendous amounts of adoration and sadness because of how fast she was growing up in front of his very eyes, and we couldn't stop it.

Small things made him realize how precious time was with Aaliyah and his daughter.

That four-letter word almost had him at the brim of tears. He had never experienced such pure love in this type of form for someone, let alone someone so small and clueless about the world around them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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