The Party

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Just a few days later, Lev was getting ready in her dorm for Lilia's farewell party. News of the fae's abrupt departure spread like wildfire throughout the school. Although, it wasn't like he was trying to hide it. In fact, he seemed to want the whole world to know. 

In an unusual move, Lilia had called for an immediate farewell party hosted by Diasomnia. He'd sent out invitations to nearly half the school, including the Ramshackle duo. The invitation was of course accepted.

While short-notice, it wasn't an excuse to look sloppy (as Vil often said).

Lev chose to wear a short green sleeveless dress (the iconic color of the fae dorm) with a small black cape connected to the naps of her neck. Knee-high black boots with silver lacing were items Lev borrowed from Lelie's close. She clasped her silver locket around her neck and hung two emerald-colored teardrops from her ears. The ghosts helped her to pull her hair up into a high ponytail and secured it with a band that looked like it was made of thorn branches (but it was actually soft so it didn't hurt her head).

When she was done, she helped Grim tie on a new black and green bow and brush his fur. Once they were both dressed and ready to go, Lev decided to check on Lelie.

She knocked on the demoness' door before entering. Lelie's room was much blander compared to Lev's. Only a bed, a nightstand, and a desk sat in the room. She didn't seem to care enough to add more to it. 

Speaking of Lelie, the Heartless in question was sprawled on the bed, summoning a small black bug-like Heartless so she could throw it up towards the ceiling. Sometimes it came back down, sometimes she threw it hard enough that it would splat against the ceiling, leaving a black goop that would eventually form into a Heartless once again and fall, only to repeat the process.

Lelie glanced at her Dorm Leader. "What do you want?"

"Aren't you gonna come to Lilia's farewell party? We were all invited."

The demoness' nose wrinkled. "Nope. Don't know him, don't care."

Lev sighed. "What is your deal with them? You run and hide every time Lilia or Malleus comes around, but you're fine around everyone else."

Lelie paused throwing the tiny creature to sit up in bed. "Let's just say, my kind and the fae have never really got along very well. Plus, while the glamor and stuff I'm using to hide my demon nature might work on normal students, but those fae could recognize me and see right through it." She flopped back down and chucked the demon, causing it to splat loudly onto the ceiling. "So no, I'm not going."

The Prefect breathed sharply. "Fine. Just don't make a mess or anything while I'm gone." She turned and quickly walked out of the room. "And stop throwing those things at the ceiling!" she shouted over her shoulder.


As Lev and Grim neared the Mirror Chamber, they unexpectedly ran into Ortho. The humanoid seemed to be exiting from his own dorm. He was alone.

Lev smiled and waved. "Ortho!"

The flame-haired boy turned and smiled. "Hello, Lev!"

"Where's Idia?" the Prefect asked as she neared him.

Ortho sighed. "One of his online friends suddenly quit the games they were playing together, so Idia wants to spend the night alone. Plus, he's super intimidated by all the Diasomnia students."

"That's too bad," she said, even though Idia's behavior was nothing surprising. "Well, wanna spend the night with us?"

"Would I! C'mon!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her into Diasomnia's mirror. 

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