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Two flames that burned as one,
In heaven's realm, they had begun,
But torn apart, now forced to roam,
A longing for their other half, their home.

Searching far and wide,
Their hearts and souls collide,
Yet, they never find,
The one that they've left behind.

A deep ache within their heart,
A pain that never seems to depart,
The yearning for a love so true,
But knowing it will never come due.

Two flames that burned as one,
Will forever be undone,
Their love was never meant to be,
A sad and lonely destiny.

Two flames, united as one,
Born from heaven, a love begun,
But fate took them far apart,
Leaving them with a broken heart.

They searched for each other day and night,
Hoping to unite and shine so bright,
But their flame slowly burned away,
Leaving one alone, to mourn and stay.

Their love story ends in tragedy,
Two flames that could never be,
Forever lost, forever alone,
A sad tale, carved in stone.

Walang hanggang Tula by: Edcel O Dela CruzWhere stories live. Discover now