~why you were sent to camp~

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The reader is female. also a lot of the crimes you've committed could range from trespassing to literal fucking murder. But of course this is all fiction sooooo.

Also TW  some of them contain themes of sexual harrassment, blackmailing, abuse, depression, suicidal themes and other harmful topics such as substance abuse. If you're weak to those topics you may skip but I will put a warning on the scenario containing any of those themes. when any of the themes listed above happen I'll put a ⚠️ and a mention of what it's for. Thank you!!!

Caveman (Stanley yelnats IV)

Vandalism, threatening with a deadly weapon, property damage, breaking an entering.

⚠️TW for sexual harrassment and blackmail!!

You threatened someone from your class with a knife since they tried to touch you inappropriately after they took lewd pictures of you and blackmailed you with them. Then you spray painted that guy's house just to fuck with him. You broke into his house by breaking his bedroom window and rummaged through his room destroying it in the process trying to find the pictures he had. Unfortunately for you his house had security cameras and once you fled you were soon arrested and brought to court.

Zero (Hector Zeroni)

Attempted murder, resisting arrest, Endangerment.

⚠️TW for suicidal thoughts, child neglect, mentions of abuse and manipulation.

You lived in a neglectful household. Your father had passed away and your mother was abusive. She was a malignant narcissist who generally enjoyed the suffering and humiliation of other people. She once fed you rice with rat shit in it. She manipulated, abused and neglected you constantly until you completely lost sight of who you were. Your mother forced you to mend into the perfect obedient student, child and friend. But it was all a lie. You had no thoughts of your own. You were exactly what other wanted you to be. You were completely lost and felt like an empty vessel with nothing and no one to love. Until you just couldn't handle it. You formed a plan to kill your mother. You originally planned to end your own life after ending your mother's but a jogger saw you bash your mothers skull. You only watched as your mother bled out and pleaded for your forgiveness and to just call the ambulance. And when you were drawing a knife to your heart you heard police sirens. You tried to run from them but in the end you were still arrested.

X-ray (Rex Washburn)

Shoplifting, violation of firearm laws, negligence, theft.

⚠️Small TW for child neglect and substance abuse

You were the oldest of 5 other kids. Your parents were heavy drug users and cared about nothing else other than their own substance use.
So you had to take care of all your siblings. When you realized you didn't have enough money to feed them you resorted to shoplifting. You shoplifted most of your groceries and was there ever rarely any you actually bought. On the rare occasion you actually bought something with money you stole it from other people. When you discovered that your parents owned a gun you stole it from them and took your siblings with you and fled from the disfuncional house you were forced to call home. You lived in an abandoned house by the woods and you used the gun as protection from creepsters, random other dangerous homeless people and wild animals. You were however reported for carrying it because an old lady saw you pick up a few things from a shelf and stuff them in your bag and flee. You ran to the shack you and your siblings lived in with cops on your tail. You thought they lost you but once you were there feeding the food you stole to your younger sibling a cop burst through the rundown door and arrested you. You were sentenced to 2 years at camp green lake, your parents arrested for substance abuse and your siblings put into foster care. You didn't want to give them up but the police said you could have your siblings back once you're sentence was over.

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