~oneshot: zigzags special chapter~

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So this is kinda like a special chapter dedicated to only zigzag! I will write special chapters for the other boys depending on the ideas I get and whenever I specify that the chapter is a special oneshot chapter that means that basically the y/n is the same person as in the scenarios. If that makes sense. Anyway I won't write them in order so I will write them depending on the ideas I have so right now this was requested so I'm starting with zigzag. I'll also say that if it takes place after or before camp green lake.

~takes place During camp green lake!!!<3


I woke up in the night to hearing noises.

It sounded like coughing.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I sat up to look around.

I saw the love of my life sitting up on their cot coughing weakly into their sleeve.

Her coughing didn't sound healthy at all...

"Hey are you okay...?" I whispered to her.

She turned her head quickly to the sound of my voice and continued coughing for a second before clearing her throat.

"..oh yeah im- *cough cough*- okay...don't worry about me..." She whispered back.

"...are you sure? You sound really sick..."

"I'll manage. Don't worry so much!" She whispered back before we heard the sound of the trumpet alarm.

She got out of bed and pulled me up as well.

She hugged me before we moved on over to go get our shovels and breakfast.

When we were walking to the place where we would have to dig I noticed how y/n seemed to be breathing a little weirdly.

I put my arm around her shoulder and looked at her.

She flinched at my touch and looked at me as well.

She saw my face of concern and just looked forward and continued walking.

When we were digging y/n was still coughing.

At one point she leaned on her shovel and coughed roughly.

Soon her coughing was concerning everyone.

I heard multiple "you good?" 's during the day and the same "I'm fine" response more times than I could count.

Y/n stopped digging for a second and went to an edge on her hole.

She put her hands on it and just leaned on it for a second panting.

During lunchtime she climbed out of her hole by sitting on the edge and standing up.

She walked into her spot in line and tapped her fingers to the side of her thighs looking around with her eyes and breathing heavily.

She tried eating her snack but her hands shook with every bite she took.

I walked over to her side as she sat near her hole and took a spot next to her.

"Hey...I know it's useless to even ask at this point but...what's wrong?" I tried to ask her again.

"...nothing's wrong! I-im perfectly fine!" She said and smiled the fakest smile in all of history.

"I'm not convinced...y/n is something bothering you? Do you need something?"

"All I need right now is to smoke! But I'll do that when I get back to camp! Then I'll be perfectly fine!"

"If you say so..."

I looked at her for a second more and slowly got up to go back to my own hole.

When y/n finished digging she got up from her hole and started walking to camp still coughing.

•(during dinner)•

Y/n sat next to me tapping her fingers waiting for me to be done eating.

She said she had a cigarette the second she made it back to camp.

She seemed less irritated but...she seemed way more anxious.

And I'm no expert in addiction but...I think I know why.

I ate my food and then left with y/n.

When we were in the rec room after dinner I decided to talk to y/n privately.

I grabbed her hand and led her to our tent with no one inside.

"What's up?" She asked seemingly confused.

"Y/n I'm worried!! You say you're okay and I tried to believe it at first but I can't keep lying to myself anymore and neither can you!"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Y/n...! I'm not a doctor or anything but...those cigarettes are causing you more harm each day..."

"...no! B-believe me! They're helping me!"

"They might help you feel better but...they're causing you more than just physical damage"

"I'm...I....I have no idea what you're-"

"Stop. Y/n you can't keep saying stuff like that. You're lying to yourself and everyone. I love you and I can't stand to see you anxious any longer. Those cigarettes cause you way more harm than good. You should be aware of this. I really care about you
y/n...please just promise me you'll stop smoking. For your sake...I only want what's best for you..." I grabbed her hands in mine and squeezed them reassuringly.

She looked down, her hair falling next to her face.

"...I can't just promise something like that..."

"I know... promise me you'll at least try?"

"...okay. I promise. But you have to promise me something as well"


"If I break my promise...please don't hate me..."

"I could never hate you baby...I promise you"

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"We will make it through this together, okay? I'll support you every step of the way" I said.

"Thank you. I love you Ricky"

"I love you too"

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