~asking him/you out~

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I am so sorry that twitch' scenarios are always so basic and uncreative and not as special and as good as the other scenarios. I promise to work on his scenarios better in the future but I really wanted to give you all an update. I tried my best to not make it  simple and boring so please understand I'm trying! this is the fastest growing book I've published and I'm so happy you are all enjoying it! I'm so thankful to all of you and I'm glad you're here! I know I don't know you but I love you so much and you all mean so much to me!! I'll try harder in the future I promise!

Caveman (Stanley yelnats IV)

Me and Stanley were hanging out and talking in D tent.

I had been weighing my options on wether or not I should ask Stanley out.

Right now would be the perfect moment! But I'm scared of him rejecting me. But I'm never gonna get another chance like this so it's now or never!

"Hey Stanley... can I...tell you a secret?" I asked batting my eyelashes at him.

He swallowed hard before replying: "Y-yeah go ahead"

"There's this guy at camp...that I really like..." I said playing with my hair.

"Oh...wh-who?" He asked. I could practically taste the venom laced in his voice.

"Hmm...guess" I wanted to play around a little before getting my shit together.

"Uhhh...." He looked deep in thought before guessing.

"Is it...magnet?"

I shook my head 'no'


I shook my head again.

"...X-ray...?" He said bitterly


"Then who?" He was clearly confused.

"Hmmm...what's a good word to describe him...oh I know! It's 'you'!"

his eyes widened and he blushed.

"Re-...!...really...?" He muttered in disbelief.

I nodded.

"Do you like me Stanley? Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

He looked to shocked to speak but instead just nodded quickly.

Zero (Hector Zeroni)

When I was teaching zero to read I noticed he seemed off?

I couldn't put my finger on it but he seemed distracted and nervous.

"Zero" I spoke snapping him out of his zoned out state.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted" I stated blankly.

"Oh yeah don't worry about me! It's nothing, okay?"

"...okay..." I muttered and went back to teaching.

When I spelled out a word for zero to say I noticed he didn't answer as quickly as he usually did.

I turned to look at him and saw him looking at me.

He was clearly spaced out and he was... blushing? It was hard to tell but it if you really looked you could see it.

Wait....does zero...like me?

I furrowed my brows and scowled in thought while I started thinking of all the possibilities and thinking about all of our interactions together and put two and two together.

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